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Are you on the right path to business success


Are you on the right path to business success

Big-Ticket Clients are one of the most important parts of business success!

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when prepping yourself and your company to approach the largest clients you’ll ever work with.

Today we’re going to start with a brief look at the three paths every business faces and show you which one is the path to success. Then we’ll talk about the mindset it takes to attract the big fish.


  • Snail Speed
  • Shooting Star
  • Catch the Big Fish


Last month in my Are You in the 1% blog I talked about how it is okay to increase your productivity and profitability by just 1%. If you are growing by 1% each day, or even week, you are STILL GROWING at a great rate!

Growing by 1% is NOT the same thing as being a snail in your business.

Most business owners end up working themselves into the ground without much reward or success. This is what happens when you fool yourself into thinking that working harder is more important than working smarter. You trudge along, grinding it out, but see very little upward movement.

You may also find yourself following this path when you are afraid of change. You tell yourself, “I’m fine just where I am.” Or, you say, “I’m comfortable, I don’t need super success,” when in reality you are barely getting by.

Don’t be a burned-out snail in your business!


This describes a business that shoots to the top so fast you are overwhelmed and don’t have the right resources in place to adapt. Most business owners dream of super success, but if you do not have your infrastructure set-up to support this, you can crash and burn as fast as you rose.

RELATED: 8 Dangers of Growing Your Business Too Fast

This can also happen from being overwhelmed by small clients. When you are starting out it is okay to bring on small clients. That said, You need to take the time to find large clients to sustain your business after the small client sales slow.

Additionally, in many businesses, relying on small clients is also a recipe for burnout. This is especially true in service-based businesses. You end-up churning through so many clients that you get burned out and your level of service goes down.

Steady growth, with a mix of clients, will keep your business progressing and keep you energized!


This is the path that allows you to build at a steady pace that you can manage by not allowing your customers to outpace you. You can do this by putting these tips to work:

  1. Attract, keep and lock in big clients.
  2. Integrate “big business” culture into your company and employees.
  3. Acquire the expertise you need to grow.
  4. Have the courage to make changes as you grow.

Now we are going to transition a bit and talk about the “big fish” mindset. It may sound easy to just find and catch that big fish, but if you are stuck in the small business mindset, you may find it harder than you think. 

Think of all the benefits of aiming at bigger clients:

  • Inexpensive
  • Highly Profitable
  • Longevity
  • Security


In order to catch the big fish, you need to believe your company can make a difference for your clients. It’s easy to think that a large company doesn’t need anything from a small business like yours, but this is entirely wrong! Many, many C-Suite executives work with individual coaches and consultants just like you!

Do some research on your ideal client. Take a look at how the big companies you would like to work with operate. It’s important to know which ones are the best fit with your company. Then decide which companies fit with your ideal client profile.

One of the best ways to get in the door is by knowing someone on the inside who can put in a good word for you. Reach out to the human resources or operations managers. Offer to take the Chief Operating Officer to lunch. Be friendly and let them know that you are interested in information about how you can help their company. Don’t lay on the hard-sell up-front.

It’s also easy to allow “Imposter Syndrome” to creep in and tell yourself that people will not pay you high hourly rates because you are not “good enough.”

If YOU believe you are not good enough, so will your clients! Attracting and keeping high-ticket clients is all about quality! Do you provide your clients with quality services? YES! OF COURSE YOU DO! And if you do not, you definitely need to reach out to us at Charlotte Howard Enterprises, we will get you in shape to provide EXACTLY what your high-ticket clients need!

If you KNOW that you provide GREAT quality, but you’re not sure where to start and feel a little intimidated about catching big fish, try our GUIDED TOUR to get help from our amazing business coaches.

To Your Success!


Charlotte Howard is the Founder of the Hair Artist Association with over 4000 members, CEO of Heart Centered Women Publishing, Founder of Wealthy Women Inner Circle and Co-Founder of Wealthy Women Entrepreneurs. 
She’s written and published thousands of best selling books. She’s one of the most-highly paid board certified book writing prosperity life coaches, women’s book publishing consultants and influential women’s book publishing expert trainers in the world.
Charlotte has been called by the Information Marketing Journal an “Information Marketing Genius”. Amazon and the Yearbook of Experts named her one of the most influential women in the world of beauty, business and women’s transformational book publishing industries.
She is also in the Top 1% Most Followed Transformational Public Figures In Beauty, Women’s Business and Women Book Publishing on LinkedIn, with over 100,000+ fans across her pages.
Charlotte is a proud homeschooling mom of 4 beautiful kids. She loves the beach, reading, writing and traveling with family and friends. She is an avid Netflix and Amazon Prime lover. Since leaving corporate america she’s finally been able to enjoy a freedom based lifestyle and believes everyone should be able to do the same.



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