Dearest Busy Mom,
I’m writing to you this month from on-location at Camp Covid. I’m on the inside, and while the cold symptoms are not that unusual, the fatigue and the brain fog are show stoppers. It’s been three weeks of Netflix in fuzzy slippers, kind of like a grade school sleepover with my cat. I’m not a mother of children, but I’m a single mother of three small businesses that I had to manage from a distance while I’m recovering. I’ve been feeling pretty rotten.
On the upside, I was able to take this time to make some permanent changes. I am grateful for this because these are things I’ve been wanting to implement literally for years.
It’s been a remarkable win.
I wanted to share my experiences, not to commiserate and complain, but to offer the homeopathic worldview concerning the value of Covid both personally and globally. My role here in our community is to provide a live example of a modern woman alchemising her creativity into a healthy and thriving practical reality.
I’m a Homeopath and a glass artist. My own health on all levels is a direct result of my creative process – of my thoughts into form. In homeopathy we determine our level of health by the degree to which we experience creative freedom in our lives. In glass, the work of the piece is only possible if my mind is calm, patient, and present enough to allow the process to congeal.
How much freedom do you have in your life to create the life that you actually want? Do you have the time and the space, the patience?
You will have your own individual details around this, but each of us knows this feeling in our hearts. It is an instinct. If you pause right now you will be able to connect with that feeling. How much in this moment are you living the life you want? How close are you? Are you five minutes, five hours, five weeks, or five years away from that feeling of freedom?
Does it matter? Can you feel that feeling in five seconds or less?
Ask yourself, what do you have to do in this very moment to experience that feeling of freedom? Better yet, ask yourself what can you actually do? I’ll bet it’s as easy as a stretch or a wiggle. Maybe it’s a glass of water. Maybe you want to hug your kids or your cat. Stand up – or for Heaven’s sake, sit down! It’s as easy as texting your best friend a funny emoji every morning for a laugh. It’s not at all complicated, and I assure you, all of these things can be done from the comfort of your couch in your jammies.
Using my time on the couch recovering from Covid just exemplified that! I innovated three small businesses, and promoted myself from worker bee to executive with some fancy tech automation, from my couch, while recovering from Covid. I mean, there’s an app for that!
Covid didn’t teach me these principles, or this intellectual understanding, but it absolutely provided the internal shut down, and the environmental structure to make it real.
It made me slow down enough to take the time to think about what I really want in life and in business.
In homeopathy, we consider even negative symptoms to be a positive communication from the body about the need to make adjustments in our daily lives and thinking. We experience disease when we compensate for our life experiences in ways we do not actually enjoy.
As rhetoric, this is quite simple, but in practice – in our real-time disease experiences – it is hard to make the intellectual connections between “just a cold” and the powerful life changes we have the opportunity to initiate immediately. What seems like an even further stretch is how those individual life changes we make, because of “just a cold” can have a powerful effect on the world around us.
Wouldn’t it be great if we employed homeopathic philosophy to show how each of us, during our stay at “Camp Covid” or “Camp Cold,” affected the positive health of the entire world by taking the time to engage our creativity? Wouldn’t it be great if each of us were responsible for increasing the creative freedom the entire world experiences?
How do we do this?
We know the potential danger the virus creates in our bodies. If we do not treat ourselves as kindly as our own mother would care for us when we are sick, we could get really sick. We also know the potential danger spreading the virus to others can be, so we stay home. We protect and care for others, as if they were a child.
What beautiful, human quality have our bodies communicated to us?
We all know that Covid has changed the entire world. We know that the world will never be the same. But is that a bad thing? Think for a moment about the positive things in our global lifestyle that Covid allowed us to change – even if it was just a deeper awareness about how we care for ourselves and other people.
Whether you ever get active symptoms or not, if you identify as a Busy Mother, and you are part of our community here, you are mothering the world. You are with us, and we are with you. We are making the at-home executive changes in our own lives to allow the evolution in our way of being that Covid has given our bodies the opportunity to communicate.
Good work, team! It’s kind of like winning the tug-of-war over the mud pit, and that delicious cannon ball into the pool.
Much Love,
Yo Momma
Welcome! I’m Adrienne. I am a skier, a Homeopath, and a glass artist. Life itself is my first love.
Wherever I am, I am governed by a thirst for experience, fearlessness, exploration and the incredible feeling of freedom. That place travels with me. In fact, I am pretty sure it is me. Or, maybe it is just my pleasure to give this cocktail of energies big legs and a giant smile.