Ahhhh the life of quarantine…. oh, I mean solitude… some of you love it and some of you hate it. Being stuck at home doesn’t have to feel like a drag, nor is it an excuse to grow roots into your couch.
There are plenty of things you can do besides walk to the fridge for the 940th time and it’s only 8:15 a.m.
The biggest favor you can do for yourself in this time where we are told to stay in quarantine is to stay active (away from the fridge). Staying active has more benefits than keeping you from boredom-snacking.
Keep in a routine, so when we finally do get to go back to normalcy it won’t be quite so hard to get back into the swing of things. I say keep your regular work schedule during the week: Get up, shower, workout, make your breakfast, etc. It will help keep you in the “MODE”.
I have gotten more done in the last three weeks than I have in three months! I think it was because I was scared that I was going to get too lazy. So, I created a schedule for myself. I write it out every Sunday. Not only do I schedule how I am going to spend each hour of the day, but I also commit to what intention I bring to it.
I thoroughly believe in The Power of Intention!
I did this for a few days. As a test I left a couple of days without a schedule and what did I do??? IF you guess Netflix and Naps you WIN.
Try to limit your TV time. It can be so easy and comfortable to sit all day and watch TW that before you know it, it’s 6 p.m. and you got nothing done!
Also, now is a perfect time to work on that FITNESS THING YOU BEEN TALKING ABOUT FOR AGES. What do you have besides time? Involve your kids too! Family fitness is fun fitness!
Lyndsey, I have done it all, there is nothing left to do…. I am so bored”
Hunny you sound just like yo’ kids. Also, I am pretty sure you haven’t done everything.
Girl, you can get a traditional work out in. Right now, billions of personal trainers are sharing their workouts online for free!!!!!!
Quarantine be darned… we can workout without a gym!
That’s right something you would normally pay $50 an hour for; you are getting it absolutely for free. You don’t have weights? Boohoo……. but you got all them canned goods stashed behind the BOGO oreos. It’s time to dust those babies off and get to working you can use them instead of Dumbbells. Also, body weight workouts are just as good too.
Like yoga? Check out our own PLW Expert Contributor Brittney Hiller’s article about the best Online Yoga Studios!
Also, the sidewalk is free……. just so we are clear…so you can walk or run or go bike riding with your family…. Because, yes, it is safe to exercise outside during the quarantine.
Also, yard work counts! Girl, put on that apple watch and get out there… I bet you will burn a couple hundred calories pulling weeds and push mowing.
Or clean the house it burns calories too!!! And if you live in The South like me, Hunny, this pollen has your car turned yellow…..wash it!!!
Grab the family and get outside. Personally, I love a good game of tag or flag football and I am sure the kids wouldn’t mind. Or perhaps kickball or dodgeball this works great with a household of seven. Three on each team and a Ref!
Don’t have “real kids” get outside with your dog I am sure they would appreciate a game of fetch or a nice jog.
Also, my new thing is to get out on my back porch and do yoga in the morning right after coffee. It starts my day off with, you know, that thing called a “Routine.” And if I start the day off active I will more than likely spend the day being active.
Even if you can’t get unplugged from the TV you can do Abs or any workout in front of it. Every time you watch Ozark and Wendy lies do a dang sit-up…By the end you will be at a 1000 for each episode. It’s like a drinking game, but with physical fitness! You’ll have six-pack abs instead of a beer belly – LOL 🙂
Look, basically I am saying this. You have the time, use it wisely. Don’t let the excuse of being at home without a routine make you lazy. This is the time to keep yourself healthy and you can do that by staying active!!!!
Need some good tips? Hit me up through my WEBSITE!
Your At-Home Quarantine Fitness Guru!
Lyndsey Bobola understands the struggles of losing weight and getting healthy. She has lost over 65 pounds through her fitness journey. Breaking through the fad diets and exercise routines and giving up excuses, Lyndsey created goals and developed nutrition plans that worked! She gained a healthy lifestyle and now feels better than ever before. As her life improved, Lyndsey developed a passion to help others discover the path to a healthier life.
Now, Lyndsey is here to help clients cut through the noise of Instagram fitness models and fad diets to find real, lasting change. She is here to help people who are ready to improve their life through fitness, health, and life goals.
Scrolling through Instagram accounts of so-called fitness models, Pinterest meal prep ideas, and online workout programs with no scientific backing, Lyndsey realized a majority of fitness ideas online are wrong. They are designed for quick but not lasting results, to make you feel inadequate, or to get your money and leave you hanging. Lyndsey wants to change that through education and hands-on training. Taking no excuses, she provides honest and effective guidance for people who are ready for change.
You can also find Lyndsey on: