Have you ever let the fear of “what if” hold you back from doing something? This is something that most people struggle with from time-to-time.
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Have you ever let the fear of “what if” hold you back from doing something? This is something that most people struggle with from time-to-time.
In a couple of weeks I will be attending and teaching at Heritage Life Skills, a 3-day, information packed weekend produced every year by Carolina Readiness Supply in Waynesville, North Carolina. The event offers hands-on classes for homesteaders, preppers and do-it-yourselfers in the skills of days gone by. Today, we call these sustainability skills. In the old days they just called them survival skills 🙂
There is a loss to society when we forget how to connect with the land, to know where our food comes from, and to learn the lost arts of our grandparents and great-grandparents. Learning sustainability skills can make all the difference if you want a community-connected sustainable life.
I find the weeks right after the December holidays to be the perfect time to declutter my home! At the turn of each year we hear the old adage, “out with the old, in with the new.” Why not apply that to our homes and pare down on that stuff we have not used all year??
Trends come and go, but one that has stuck is the move toward minimalism. The Minimalists, Joshua Becker from Becoming Minimalist, and countless others have embarked on a lifestyle that highlights a less-is-more attitude.
It’s so important for us mom’s to put effort into living a healthy lifestyle. Our kids are watching everything we do…even those things we think we’re hiding. That’s why I have put together this list of 4 Must-Have Tools For Healthy Moms JUST FOR YOU!
I love comparing the importance of putting our health as a top priority to what we’re told on airplanes. ‘In the event of a sudden emergency, should the air masks drop..put yours on first SO THAT you’re able to help others”
The holidays are upon us and it is a time of family, friendship and celebration. But, it can also be a time of stress! For those of us with travel plans, interrupted schedules and falling out of sync with our routines, maintaining our health during the holidays can be a real challenge!
Financial fear is one of the biggest stressors for women today. It is the things we do not know or do not understand that often can be the most feared. A vast majority of women are fearful of finances and their financial future simply due to a lack of knowledge. And with fear can come either hesitation or rash decisions, which can lead to financial mistakes and thus, more fear.
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