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In Business, Burnout is Not an Option – Strategy Is!

The Overwhelmed Entrepreneur’s Path to Strategy, Balance and Fulfilling Success

Where Successful Entrepreneurs Go to Break the Cycle of Burnout, Bad Habits, and Being Overburdened.

No Balance = Burnout

Is your work-life balance out of balance?
Are you burning the candle at both ends to do everything in your business and at home? 
Are you completely overwhelmed by trying to grow a business and have time for family, a social life and yourself?
Would you like to feel in control of your business instead of your business controlling you?
Are you devoting all of your time to your business, hoping one day there will be time for you and for living the life you want?
You’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs spend years and years stuck in the cycle of being so dedicated to their business that they lose track of everything else! 

It’s time to break the cycle

You can run a successful business without sacrificing your health, your relationships or what’s important to you!

What Our Clients Are Saying

Your Business. Your Life. Your Way.

This journey from burnout to bliss is focused on YOU and was designed by a trusted guide who gets, understands and knows what it’s like to feel stuck in a cycle of busy, burnout and the blues! 

Because you deserve to live your life guided by your own definition of success, to live each and every day with meaning, purpose and joy and to get the guidance and encouragement you need when you need it most. 

More Time for You & Your Life

Effective business growth comes from effective, proven business strategy – NOT FROM WORKING YOURSELF INTO BURNOUT!

In CEO Mindset Group Coaching we guide you in designing a focused strategy that allows you to grow your business within your life. We support you in implementing the best practices for your business growth within a reasonable work day.

We hold you accountable to staying true to protecting your family time, your social time and your YOU TIME.





More Time for You & Your Life

Effective business growth comes from effective, proven business strategy – NOT FROM WORKING YOURSELF INTO BURNOUT!

In CEO Mindset Group Coaching we guide you in designing a focused strategy that allows you to grow your business within your life. We support you in implementing the best practices for your business growth within a reasonable work day.

We hold you accountable to staying true to protecting your family time, your social time and your YOU TIME.


The Importance of The Mastermind

Courage develops when you share openly and honestly in a safe and supportive environment of your peers. Accountability happens when you have others who are there to support you and hold you accountable to your new ways of doing business and your new commitment to spending time on your life.  In the group setting you not only enjoy the support of your coaches, but of the other group members as well!
Learning happens in many forms. In their combined 40+ years of experience, your CEO Mindset Coaches, Stacy and Jennifer, found that their clients not only benefit from learning from them, but also from learning from their peers in the group! 
Groups are also a place where collaborations bloom. During your time spent in group coaching you will be encouraged to form collaborations with other group members. Your coaches will even make suggestions for ways in which you can collaborate with other members. CEO Mindset started as a collaboration between Stacy and Jennifer.  And has grown to a group of 7 Expert Contributors and a large collaborative networking group. That is the power of collaboration in action!
And don’t forget… we focus on implementing ways to bring more efficiency and fun into your business! Collaborations do both!

Optional Self-Paced Curriculum Driven Learning

As part of our CEO Mindset Blueprint for Success we believe that networking is worth your time! 

In this optional low-cost add-on we offer you our signature business coaching curriculum. In ten short segments, that you complete at your own pace, we teach you how to take your business and life from frazzled and unfocused to finely strategized and laser-focused.

Topics covered include: 

  • Values-Based Time Management Strategies
  • Understanding Your Ideal AND Desired client
  • Laser-Focus Your Message
  • How to Leverage Your Personal and Business Strengths, AND MORE!

Many business coaches take an ad-hoc approach to helping you grow your business. This can be effective in an individual setting. It can also be ineffective and inefficient. And it does not work in a group setting. That is why Jennifer and Stacy combined their strengths, Jennifer’s decades as a university professor and Stacy’s decades in the C-Suite, to develop a curriculum that is easy for you to follow and implement and will guide you in strategic steps to build your business Blueprint for Success!

We designed this curriculum in a way that you may use it to be supported during the group mastermind and Q & A Zoom calls.

And remember, when you develop your business blueprint, you are also developing your blueprint for how your business fits into your life!

Optional Self-Paced Curriculum Driven Learning

As part of our CEO Mindset Blueprint for Success we believe that networking is worth your time! 

In this optional low-cost add-on we offer you our signature business coaching curriculum. In ten short segments, that you complete at your own pace, we teach you how to take your business and life from frazzled and unfocused to finely strategized and laser-focused.

Topics covered include: 

  • PR for speaking to profit,
  • Marketing Through Story,
  • Online Course Creation, AND MORE!

Many business coaches take an ad-hoc approach to helping you grow your business. This can be effective in an individual setting. It can also be ineffective and inefficient. And it does not work in a group setting. That is why Jennifer and Stacy combined their strengths, Jennifer’s decades as a university professor and Stacy’s decades in the C-Suite, to develop a curriculum that is easy for you to follow and implement and will guide you in strategic steps to build your business Blueprint for Success!

We designed this curriculum in a way that you may use it to be supported during the group mastermind and Q & A Zoom calls.

And remember, when you develop your business blueprint, you are also developing your blueprint for how your business fits into your life!

Level-Up For Success

We understand that business coaching can be a big undertaking! We also sincerely believe that you cannot learn what you need to grow a successful business in just a few short weeks. That’s why we organized the CEO Mindset Curriculum into 4 Series with 10 easily digested sections in each series. We start with FOCUS ON FOUNDATIONS, move on to FOCUS ON THE ESSENTIALS, level you up to FOCUS ON YOUR BLOCKS and then finalize your Blueprint for Success by FOCUSING ON FINANCES. 
You are welcome to take breaks in between series or go straight through. 
You also do not have to worry about enrollment doors “opening” and “closing!” You can start each series whenever you like. Because CEO Mindset is a self-paced curriculum you can start each series when it is right for you! You are also welcome to join the weekly Q & A calls irrespective of where you are in the curriculum. Just send us your questions in advance and we will answer them on the call! 

We Save You Money!

The business coaching industry is an 11.6 BILLION DOLLAR industry in the United States alone. And there are a lot of people out there telling you that they will help you make multiple 6 and even 7 figures basically overnight.  BUT, you will have to make a significant investment in their coaching in order to do so! We have seen business coaches charging over $50,000 for their coaching services. 
We do not want to bankrupt you with coaching costs! 
We saw a need in the entrepreneurial community for cost-friendly, yet highly effective business coaching!
That’s why we teamed-up and created the CEO Mindset Group Coaching. For a fraction of what it would cost for individual coaching you get a curriculum for success, two certificated and highly experienced coaches, and the benefit of a supportive group of peers to cheer you on!

Business Isn’t Just About Making Money! It’s About Making Money While Doing Something You Love!

We Provide the Tools, Support and Accountability for Entrepreneurs Who Want To Have a Successful Business They Love AND Time for a Life They Love Too!

Business Isn’t Just About Making Money! It’s About Making Money While Doing Something You Love!

We Provide the Tools, Support and Accountability for Entrepreneurs Who Want To Have a Successful Business They Love AND Time for a Life They Love Too!

3 Steps to Start Creating a Business & Life You Love!

Two Affordable Payment Options

Monthly Payments

Six Months of Success in Business Mastermind Calls, Q & A Calls, and Private Facebook Group Membership
 $249 monthly (x6)

Pay-in-Full Discount

Six Months of Success in Business Mastermind Calls, Q & A Calls, and Private Facebook Group Membership
for only $1299 (paid-in-full)

Your Coaches

jennifer robinson, founder and head coach at Peaceful Living Wellness

Jennifer Robinson

Jen faced her own crisis with burnout, the blues and bad habits. Through her own work she discovered a unique process that radically changed her life… and for the better. 

She began using this same process with her coaching clients over five years ago, and after getting remarkable results, she formed a group coaching program to serve more women facing the effects of the self-defeating cycle of busy

An avid learner and prolific writer, Jen continues to grow and evolve so that she can continue to serve women in reclaiming their own definition of success. Jen is happily married and the proud mama of her two very active teenagers, AJ and Layna. 

Stacy Oldfield

Stacy Oldfield spent 15 years in corporate America, climbing the ladder to achieve C.E.O. status.  

She pivoted her life into business coaching in order to spend more time with her young daughter and pursue her passion of helping small business owners become the C.E.O.’s of their businesses. 

She has helped tens of dozens of entrepreneurs create targeted business strategies that move their businesses rapidly toward success. 

Stacy has teamed with her Life Coach, Jen Robinson, to teach entrepreneurs how to achieve solid business success while maintaining a full and happy life!

Wait! Don’t go Yet!

Assess your stress to see if you need to slow down, rise-up and feel more in control of your life!