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Clutter Clearing vs Organizing

Did you know that there is a difference between organizing and clutter clearing, and a difference between professional organizers and Clutter Clearing Practitioners? 

Don’t have time to read? Listen to this info on the go on my podcast here:

There is an overlap for sure but it’s not the same, there are some differences between the two that are very important and substantial. Let’s explore them: 


Can be done purely on a mental level, you can tidy, arrange and rearrange things so that you know where everything is. Most of the time when you are organizing nothing gets thrown out,

– you don’t investigate why you have it, 

– whether you even still need it, 

– or why your space is a mess. 

You usually keep everything and are just trying to make the space look calm and organized. You find or create homes for all your stuff and you put things away. 

It can feel satisfying when you have a place for everything and everything in its place. It will give you some peace and therefore has value, but at the same time it can be a waste of time, energy and possibly money because it’s only temporary.. 

It doesn’t even begin to address the issue of why the clutter and disorganization happened in the first place. 

It doesn’t address the root cause of the underlying problem. 

You don’t examine your habits and/or come up with and implement systems and processes that serve you better. 

So usually within a short time period the clutter and chaos creeps back in and you are back at square one. That’s why I say it’s a waste of time, energy and money, it’s just a cover-up for an underlying problem that you don’t address

Clutter clearing

On the other hand, the clutter clearing methods and coaching that I offer go much further and much deeper. It’s not just about helping you to organize and rearrange your things, it’s about 

  • helping you to bring yourself up-to-date with who you are now
  • envisioning where you want to go next in your life and business 
  • identifying what you need to take along for that journey
  • and then helping you make decisions – remember clutter is unmade decisions – of what to let go of and what to keep. 

Because of that, clutter clearing is not just a mental process it goes much deeper and usually brings up emotions, sometimes uncomfortable ones, it involves making decisions, sometimes tough ones, that have been put off. 

Just sorting through huge piles of stuff without intention and knowledge of the bigger picture, 

not letting go of things even though you never use them, being afraid of letting them go is exhausting and not sustainable. 

On top, in no time the chaos will creep back in. 

If you’re really clearing clutter you will be doing far more than sorting, categorizing and putting things where they belong. 

On a practical level you will be very intentional and therefore the sorting and organizing of the belongings that you decide to keep becomes more strategic and meaningful.

It will be an investment of time because this way it will be sustainable and longer lasting. 

You will be assessing each item and then actively make

a decision whether it has a place in your life and business and why,

whether it’s worth of your time, energy and money,

And because of it clearing clutter is not as easy as just organizing.

Now, for most of you, when you attempt to do this on your own, your mind will be scared, it will try to fool you and give you all kinds of excuses (which it calls good reasons) why you can’t let go of things, why you can’t make a decision.

That’s where the benefit of hiring professional help comes in. Someone trained like me can help you get past these excuses and really listen in and find the truth. Once the root cause is in the open you can address it and that will liberate you and give you back control. 

Done right this process is not daunting but fulfilling,the result is longer lasting and you will feel freed and empowered. 

You will reclaim your life, take back control. I will open the door and space to new possibilities so that you can move forward liberated instead of staying stuck in the past.

Of course as always, I never tell you what to do or not to do, what I do help you see is the positive effects that clearing your clutter and eliminating your chaos could have on you, your life and your business.

Are you ready to go on a journey from chaos to peace? 


Conny Graf is a Swiss certified Expert in Finance & Accounting, a certified Clutter Clearing Practitioner, Astrologer, Coach, Podcaster and the founder and owner of From Chaos to Peace Consulting Inc. 

She’s helping people create supportive, clutter-free environments in their home, office, files, and finances but more importantly, she helps them develop habits and systems that prevent clutter from creeping back in. Clutter Clearing is not just about purging and organizing, it’s about exploring and releasing the limiting beliefs we tell ourselves and the stories that keep us stuck in the past. Dealing with clutter brings us up-to-date with who we are right now and where we are heading in your life and business while being organized is simply a side-effect.

Her mission is to help people understand that decluttering is self-love, and a few minutes a day keep the clutter away. Come on a journey from chaos to peace with ease. 



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