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Declutter after the holidays


Declutter after the holidays

I find the weeks right after the December holidays to be the perfect time to declutter my home! At the turn of each year we hear the old adage, “out with the old, in with the new.” Why not apply that to our homes and pare down on that stuff we have not used all year??

Trends come and go, but one that has stuck is the move toward minimalism. The Minimalists, Joshua Becker from Becoming Minimalist, and countless others have embarked on a lifestyle that highlights a less-is-more attitude.


Then there’s the organizing expert Marie Kondo, who I would say also fits into the minimalist category because, as she says, “keep only the things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy!”

To be clear and transparent, I haven’t read Marie’s books, but I binged her Netflix series almost as soon as it was released. I’m also a minimalist when it comes to my home and clothing. Long before Marie arrived on the scene, I experienced my own epiphany that had me removing anything from my home that, in Marie’s words, didn’t “spark joy.” 

Marie Kondo hit the scene with her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It grabbed my attention when celebrities began Instagram storying their tidying up projects. Now with her Netflix show, Marie Kondo is a household name.

white kitchen

Stacey Crew developed 7 Strategies to help you save your sanity by decluttering your kitchen.

CLICK the button below and we will send you a copy of the free 7 Kitchen Decluttering Strategies Guide to help you create an organized & healthy kitchen in just a few easy steps.

Personally, I have found that with less stuff in my life, my anxiety has been reduced and I have more time to focus on the things I love, including spending time with family & friends, reading, and cooking—all with minimal distractions.

Marie’s method works best for people who are READY to declutter and need guidance & support in redefining what’s important to them. It helps to gain clarity on how many things you really need to function daily. Then, the method guides you in eliminating the rest so you operate at a higher level and your space is not packed with “useless” stuff.

I think this method is especially helpful after the holidays. It allows us to look at both the things we already have AND the things we just received. From there we can decide which of those things belong in the keep category and which don’t.


I’ve always believed that clutter is a distraction. When I started my organizing business in 2004, it was because I had already accumulated what I started to see as clutter. Quite frankly, it was overwhelming. When I realized how good it felt to no longer look at things that didn’t spark joy, I was on a mission!! 

  • Motivating Factors are Key

When I think about Marie Kondo’s Netflix series, the episodes that highlight this the best are the Tidying with Toddlers and The Downsizers because the families highlighted on these episodes clearly want to be more efficient with daily tasks so they can have more quality time with their families. That’s urgency!

These families also realize that something needs to change, but they don’t know where to begin. AND because they are so overwhelmed, they can’t think clearly enough to change their current situation.

In some ways this is actually the best frame of mind to make changes because you’re willing to do almost anything to relieve the frustration!!

Applying the categories method to holiday clutter

You do not need to follow Marie Kondon’s exact method. The essence of the method is to categorize whatever you are trying to organize. For example, for the holidays you can start by looking at the new items you received as gifts. If they are newer versions of something you already own, you can donate or recycle the old one.

This method can be applied to categories of things as well: Toys, clothing, kitchen gadgets, tools…. you get the picture!

It’s often hard to let go of things you have had for awhile. They may have some sentimental value to them. Try the following ideas to see if they can spark your motivation:

Ask yourself if the thing, “sparks joy,” as Marie Kondon would advise.

Remind yourself that you just received new things for the holiday, so it’s okay to let the old things go.

Remember that if you donate the things to a charitable organization, not only can someone who may not have new things receive joy from your donations, but the charitable organization received much-needed money from selling it! (This one works especially well with kids!)


If your looking for a step-by-step Method to organize just about anything, try my GOPACK Method. This is a proven Method I developed in 2005. The acronym stands for:

Group Objects




Keep it up

The GOPACK Method has some similarities to Marie’s method, except you can start anywhere. I would recommend starting with something small to get the hang of it.

Try starting with your holiday decorations. Keep the ones you love, donate the rest!

Whatever method you choose, just know that by reducing visual clutter, you can reduce your overall stress level and become more comfortable in your home (or office!).

Even if you don’t think visual clutter is a problem, try decluttering a small area and closely monitor how you feel before and after. I guarantee you’ll feel lighter and brighter. And sometimes that’s all the motivation you need to declutter other areas of your life!

Overall, if you’re truly motivated to make change, but you just don’t know where to begin, try different methods until you find what works for you!

However, if you take longer to make decisions and need a more personalized method, you may want to hire a traditional Professional Organizer who can work with you in a way that best suits your personality and needs.

Whatever method you decide to use, take action right after the holidays! It is a great way to start your new year!

To You and Your Home!


Stacey Crew is “The Kitchen Health Coach” based in Charleston, South Carolina. She is a Certified Wellness Coach & published Author, and owner of Stacey Crew Wellness. She helps individuals achieve their health goals through a 4-prong approach of understanding the individual’s wellness needs, educating on specific topics, empowering the individual to make informed decisions, and providing accountability—all in a supportive environment. Stacey is also and an Amazon best-selling author of The Organized Mom: Simplify Life for You & Baby One Step at a Time and author of the soon-to-be-released Nourish You! Transform You & Your Kitchen for Healthier Eating. 




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