As the new year approaches, the majority of people will be grinding pencils into nubs, killing more trees that necessary and causing an array of new wrinkles across their eyebrows.
What are they doing exactly?
You guessed it! Writing out goals for the New Year!
#isyourvision2020 #thevision #goals #results
Blah blah blah blah……..
How many of you are so tired of the hype? The ‘new year, new me ‘mentality. Making a shit ton of goals and not getting shit done.
Why????!!!!!! Why in the H-E- double hockey sticks do we do this???? Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to change everything on day one and by day 5 we have fallen head first into a bag of Cheetos and self-doubt.
Well I am over it and this year it is not happening. I am not planning out my entire life in one afternoon over a stale cappuccino and dim lighting gazing at a vision board.
….yea I am still going to make a vision board, and I am still going to set goals, but I am not going to go balls to wall trying to change my whole life! Instead I am going to set realistic goals in 2020.
Does that mean rip up all your ideas and cry your eyeballs out because negative Nancy (me) told you to…. ABSOLUTELY FRACKING NOT. AND I AM NOT A NEGATIVE NANCY…. I am a realistic person, with realistic ideas, who can be completely honest…. Brutal even… and who is going to set realistic goals this year.
For instance, one year ago, I thought I could make 1 million dollars personal training, run a marathon, write a book, maintain a six pack, start an online training business, oh and add in an MLM or two in the mix and STILL REMAIN AN EPIC FUNCTIONING ADULT.
I look back at that and think, “it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Hunny, even someone who stays up all night, works 24/7, and doesn’t have a social life could not manage to make that work without losing some mental capacity.
For most that is a sure fire way to set yourself up for failure. By setting unrealistic goals you give yourself an overwhelming load. How can you even focus on one idea when you are overwhelmed?
As the year progressed, I figured out that this type of overwhelm is not what I wanted for myself. I didn’t want to add a ton of stuff to my plate and not be able to complete any of it.
I started small. MAYBE THAT DOESN’T SOUND quite like BEAST MODE MENTALITY. However, it worked for me and I accomplished most of what I set out to do!!!
The first thing I did was to become an independent trainer and start my own business out of my garage. WHOA, YOU THOUGHT I WENT SMALL. NO, I just focused on one goal that became successful!!!
This was really my sole focus for the year. And then, along with the support of my amazing tribe of friends and family, the DREAM CAME TRUE!!!
How did I get it accomplished? I set realistic goals!
I set one major goal: Opening my home-based fitness training studio and I worked on it every week whether it was buying equipment, marketing or getting the gym ready and of course a lot of blood, sweat and tears.
It sounds really complicated, but it wasn’t because I didn’t over-complicate it. I did have some trial and error (just being honest), but when something didn’t work I immediately resolved it. Overthinking a goal, or over-complicating how to reach it with too many intricate details, can make it overwhelming.
Like I say: K.I.S.S it!
![set realistic goals](
And for those of you have worked on a goal and it didn’t turn out like you expected or it didn’t turn out all. DON’T SWEAT IT.
You live and you learn. If you really want it, and you are passionate about it, it will happen. Maybe now isn’t the time. Keep working on it OR put it on the back burner until you are ready. That is part of what it takes to set realistic goals.
For instance, one of my 2018 goals was to start an online personal training business. But, it hasn’t taken off and sadly I don’t have time to put into it right now. It took some definite soul searching to realize that it wasn’t the time. So, I TABLED IT until I HAVE THE TIME AND THE FOCUS TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN.
Another goal I had was to write a book (another great disappointment) and I really could beat myself up about it. But, then I realized there is another way to get what I want to say down……duh blogging…because for me it’s about spreading positivity and encouragement ….
Who cares if it’s a book or on your computer? If you feel one speck better than you did before reading this… then I am HAPPY!!!
So, if there is a goal that you have been trying to accomplish, but its just not working, think about it in a different light. How can you take a monstrous goal and make it Doable?
Let’s say you love running and you want to train for a marathon. But, the idea of a marathon is daunting. You can break it down in smaller steps. Start running 5ks. Run so many 5ks in year that it adds up to marathon.
Take your lemons and make lemonade BABY!!! And when you are REALLY READY TO MAKE THAT MARATHON HAPPEN YOU WILL!!!
As 2019 is winding down remember a couple of things: Set realistic goals; Keep the number down; Keep them simple; Work every day on them; Finally, look on the bright side even if your accomplishments are smaller than you originally set out for!
You got this girl!!!
Lyndsey Bobola understands the struggles of losing weight and getting healthy. She has lost over 65 pounds through her fitness journey. Breaking through the fad diets and exercise routines and giving up excuses, Lyndsey created goals and developed nutrition plans that worked! She gained a healthy lifestyle and now feels better than ever before. As her life improved, Lyndsey developed a passion to help others discover the path to a healthier life.
Now, Lyndsey is here to help clients cut through the noise of Instagram fitness models and fad diets to find real, lasting change. She is here to help people who are ready to improve their life through fitness, health, and life goals.
Scrolling through Instagram accounts of so-called fitness models, Pinterest meal prep ideas, and online workout programs with no scientific backing, Lyndsey realized a majority of fitness ideas online are wrong. They are designed for quick but not lasting results, to make you feel inadequate, or to get your money and leave you hanging. Lyndsey wants to change that through education and hands-on training. Taking no excuses, she provides honest and effective guidance for people who are ready for change.
You can also find Lyndsey on: