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In times of difficulty and uncertainty, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose touch with our best intentions. After all, when we experience a negative tension inside us, we are unable to move forward effectively, and we become even more frustrated as a result.

This vicious loop ends up draining our energy and productivity levels. Therefore, having powerful techniques to balance ourselves is key if we want to thrive.

In my early days as an entrepreneur, I had always been a fan of the attitude “get more things done, push to succeed, hustle, etc.”

However, over time, I reached a point where this approach wasn’t serving me anymore. Despite my high levels of effectiveness, I wasn’t able to unlock new perspectives. It was as if my creativity and “humanity” took a break. 

Having invested the last couple of years working with leading experts in the field of human development, I discovered the one condition for optimum productivity, creativity, and fulfillment: WELLBEING. 

Think about it: How can you possibly thrive in your day if you are not feeling well?

I took the concept of wellbeing to heart, and looked at the underlying science behind it. In my research, I found out that it is a skill we can all practice no matter our age, gender, or background. This was the “ah-ha” moment that inspired me to start 3SSENTIA, as I wanted to find a way to help people cultivate this transformative skill in their daily lives.

Specifically, we can practice our wellbeing by focusing on 4 main aspects: Self-awareness, Outlook, Resilience, Generosity.

To help you boost your proactivity in your daily life, I’ll share how we can use the 4 pillars when faced with challenging moments. Why? Because that’s when we struggle most to move forward effectively.


When we focus on practicing self-awareness, we are able to distance ourselves from our limiting emotions, and when we do so, we waste less energy and gain greater clarity in our thinking. Pretty useful if you are looking to overcome a challenging moment!

Learning to connect with ourselves to understand what’s important to us is a fundamental aspect to nurture. This is especially true if we want to improve our levels of productivity and proactivity in our day.

So, the next time you feel stuck on what to do next, take a moment to ask yourself: “What is really important for me right now? What’s the most useful action I can take that plays on my strengths?” Allowing a short time for reflection will help let go of negativity and regain the focus needed to move forward with confidence.


Outlook refers to the way we choose to look at life. It’s the story we tell ourselves, and it can often be the inner voice sabotaging our best intentions, stopping us from looking at our challenges as an inspiring opportunity for growth. This can make the whole difference in the world!

We all experience moments of uncertainty. Whether it’s a call with a new client, or an argument with our partner. Instead of letting our fears block us, having a positive outlook can go a long way.

When we change our minds, the world around us inevitably changes too.



Perhaps like never before, having resilience is key for our personal and professional success. Putting up with uncertainty is no easy task, but persevering amidst it is where true strength lies. 

In many ways, reliance is directly connected to a positive outlook, and one of the best ways to fuel it is by having a deeper connection with what we do. Why? Because when we are clear on our aim, and even clearer on our WHY, we can use it as a motivational booster to persevere with greater strength. 

By “linking” a challenging moment with our bigger purpose, we learn to appreciate its usefulness in our progress, reminding us of how growth only happens at the end of our comfort zone. With the right outlook, we can look at the challenge and say “thank you for improving me as a person.”


While we may interpret productivity as a selfish act, focusing on generosity can bring a whole new dimension to it. Our brains are hardwired to contribute, and when the do, we experience the release of “feel-good chemicals” that boost our proactivity. 

Being generous is not only good for our health, but for our success too. If we focus on understanding how to give more to the customer, we have a much higher chance of getting closer to our goal. So, the next time you get negative feedback on your offer, instead of getting frustrated ask yourself, “what can I do to give more?”

When we learn to put our ego aside and open our mind to meaningfully serving others, our proactivity and creativity are destined to reach new heights!

A passionate entrepreneur with a relentless aspiration to understand what makes people tick , Filippo is the cofounder together with his wife Marilena of 3SSENTIA, a smart day planner inspired by the science of wellbeing that helps busy people manage their day with more balance, focus and purpose.

His background in hospitality combined with his profound interest in subjects such as behavioural science, neuroscience, psychology and human computer interface inspired him to dedicate his efforts in developing technologies that provide “experiences for good”. Filippo is a believer that technology, if used consciously, can have the power to accelerate our evolution and flourishing as human beings. And that is exactly what his mission with 3SSENTIA is:  creating a platform aimed at collectively expanding our consciousness and sense of purpose.

Filippo also runs Leap2yourbest (, a 2-day personalised coaching program for entrepreneurs wanting to expand their personal and business growth.



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