“Acknowledging where money is showing up – even the smallest amounts – and being grateful for what you have is the first step in making the law of attraction work for you.”
– The Land of Plenty
November is traditionally a time we go inward and reflect on what we are grateful for in our lives. Is money on your gratitude list?
About three and a half years ago, I started to track every single penny that came my way. I was in a money mindset program hosted by Denise Duffield-Thomas (I highly recommend her money boot camp if you want to give your money mindset some TLC).
One of the exercises was to start tracking everything that came in. This included not just cash, but anything with value. At the time, I was really focused on breaking through the 6-figures mark and it felt as if I had hit a plateau.
During the first month, I religiously entered every bit of money and value. The discount on my groceries from using my frequent shopper card, the free concert my friends invited me to attend, the coffee I drank at a networking meeting. Literally, everything went into my tracker.
At the end of the month, I looked at the total and just about fell over. I had $4,940.26 in value and $11,414.42 in cash come into my life that month! I was receiving almost DOUBLE what I had been asking for, I just wasn’t “counting” all of my money.
The truth was that I took much of what was coming to me for granted.
As we focus on what we are grateful for this month, ask yourself – is there money in your life that you are not acknowledging? So many times, we compartmentalize money and think that it doesn’t count. When we ask the Universe to deliver more money, it can come in many, many forms. And if we aren’t specific, it might be showing up in ways we would never expect or notice if we aren’t paying attention.
Our society loves to focus on lack. We are constantly bombarded with stories, images, and posts of all the things we should want but don’t have. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the frenzy (especially as the holidays approach) of needing more stuff, more toys, more presents, more money. MORE. MORE. MORE. It can be absolutely exhausting.
What would change in your life, your business, and your bank account if you knew there was plenty, and you lived in a constant state of gratitude around your money?
The law of attraction is the concept that like energies are attracted to one another, and like gravity, it pulls what you put out there towards you. The more you focus on everything that is positive in your life around money, rather than fear and scarcity, the more money and abundance you will attract into your life.
One of the most potent ways we can use the law of attraction around our money is gratitude.
Be grateful for everything
And when I say everything, I mean E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. When you think about being grateful for your money, do you only think of the money you receive in the form of a paycheck or sales from your business? Money can come in many forms. Anything that has value is a form of money. It could be:
· the dime you found on the ground
· a discount that you were able to negotiate off your rent
· a gift card you forgot to redeem
· a friend buying you lunch
· credit card points you can redeem for cash
· interest you earned on an investment account
· gifts from relatives
· savings on your groceries because you used a coupon
No matter how big or small, it ALL counts!
Be grateful when you spend money
Yep, you read that correctly. When you show appreciation for the products and services you receive from spending your money, it is just one more way you can put the law of attraction to work for you and your money. This includes paying taxes, bills, and debt. Be grateful money is there to support you when you need it.
Be grateful, even when it is expected money
As a bookkeeper, I see lots of clients who are disappointed when they don’t reach a revenue goal. While yes, this can be disappointing, don’t forget to show gratitude and appreciation for the income you do receive, even if you didn’t crush your goal you had set for yourself.
Stay present and be grateful for what is right in front of you
One of the biggest shifts in my life and business happened when I started to focus on everything that was positive in my life. I acknowledged the abundance that was right in front of me.
Rather than constantly wishing you had more money, more clients, or more time, show gratitude for what you do have. The magic of mastering this concept is that the more gratitude you show for what you do have, the more abundance freely flows and is attracted into your life.
What are you grateful for? I would love to hear!
Want to focus more on gratitude and your money? Download a free chapter of my book The Land of Plenty: A Soulpreneur’s Guide to Finding Joy, Possibility, and Abundance through Money Empowerment.

Carolynn Bottino is an author, speaker, and founder of the Money Empowerment Project®. Her international best-selling book of The Land of Plenty: A Soulpreneur’s Guide to Finding Joy, Possibility and Abundance through Money Empowerment was featured on the Spirited Woman’s top 12 book pick list for 2020.
After empowering more than 100 clients in her bookkeeping business, she discovered her passion helping soulpreneurs find joy around their money. Carolynn approaches money from a practical and holistic standpoint, with no judgement, helping you find abundance and transform your relationship with money.