Mudras are meditation hand positions used to channel your body’s energy flow. They have been used for centuries by Hindus, Buddhists and Yogis. Today they are taught in many yoga and meditation classes for the students to use to enhance their meditation practice.
Anjali Mudra
Some people refer to this as “prayer” hands. Place your palms facing each other, palms touching. Traditionally, this mudra is employed at the heart and third eye points. Anjali Mudra is also used as a salutation when bowing toward another or bowing toward the divine.
Anjali Mudra is a gesture of peace, supplication and humility. It signifies Balance: internal/external, right/left, above/below, as well as balance between the feminine and masculine aspects of one’s nature.
Gyana Mudra
Place the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb. Guyana Mudra is traditionally employed with the palms facing up and the hands resting on the inner thighs during seated meditation.
This mudra suggests the ability to discriminate between truth and unreality. It also signifies calmness and knowledge.
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Dhyana Mudra
Dhyana Mudra is also practiced with the hands resting in your lap and palms facing up. In this mudra the fingers are resting on hand on top of the other & tips of thumbs touching.
Traditionally this meditation hand position is employed for deep meditation practices. It brings a sense of calm and harmony with the mind, builds self awareness and alleviates anxiety.
Bhumisparsha Mudra/Earth Witness Mudra
For this mudra you are in a seated position with your right hand as a pendant over the right knee reaching toward the ground. The palm is facing inward. Your left hand is placed in your lap with the palm facing upward.
Traditionally, Bhumisparsha Mudra represents the moment of the Buddha’s awakening as he claims the earth as the witness of his enlightenment. This mudra is often used in modern times, to transform anger into wisdom.
For more mudras to try, check out this informative article from the Chopra Center: 10 Powerful Hand Mudras and How to Use Them
If you want to dive even deeper our editor recommends Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands by Gertrud Hirschi.
Let me know if you feel a difference in your practice after trying some of these meditation hand positions!
Wishing You Much Inner Peace,
Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Enthusiast, Experimental Human: With a passion for Yoga and Energy work that is accessible Shelley brings joy to each class and encourages you to connect to the voice of the great teacher within! A former military brat, farm girl from Texas, soap store goddess & actress Shelley spent almost ten years in NYC where she studied with the top teachers in the industry including Shiva Rea, Dharma Mitra, Anna Forest, Jonathan Fields, Schuyler Grant, and many others. Currently residing in Florida, Shelley opened The Yoga Paogda as a physical studio and after seven years she closed the doors in order to travel teach and work with one on one clients. She co-founded the Treasure Coasts only LGBTQ+ Non-Profit (Vero Pride), has trained over sixty yoga teachers, is an artist, reiki practitioner, writer, blogger, lover of champange/dancing/exploring, & is on the Happiness Team for The Good Life Project. Follow her on IG, FB, Twitter: @shelleyadelle @yogapagodaconcierge #86bs #vinyasablend #sexyhallucination