I just finished remodeling my office space. Like so many people, I got the remodeling bug while on lockdown last year. I bought a sleek new desk and shelves and painted my walls. I installed new flooring, lighting, and bought a new teal chair that makes me feel like a queen when I sit at my desk.
My old beat-up desk just wasn’t cutting it. I purchased my old office furniture 14 years ago, just as I was starting my last corporate job. Since then, my style has changed, what I want to create while sitting at my desk has changed, and really, my whole life has changed.

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The desk was no longer in alignment – every time I looked at the scratches on the dark brown veneer wood it made me feel flat. It didn’t light me up and certainly didn’t make me feel inspired or abundant.
As I cleaned out my office and put things back in place, I was very deliberate about every single item I placed on my bookshelves. I spend a lot of time in this space, and it’s important for me to feel inspired, energized and amplified while I work.
Some of my favorite touches have been the little things like the gold trays and boxes I found to organize my desk drawers, my marble garbage cans, and the gold angel wing bookends that embrace the author copies of my book that await their final homes. All these little things bring me joy and make me feel abundant each time I look at them.
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The truth is, when you get rid of the things that no longer serve you, it makes room for more. More of what really lights you up. More of what you really want – including more abundance and more money.
By making deliberate choices and using your intuition to surround yourself with what lights you up, you create an environment where magical things can show up.
Every single item in my office has purpose. Perhaps the most important and magical item in my office is the artwork that hangs behind my desk.
The art is a two-piece pour painting in hues of teals and ocean blues with lots of iridescent glitter. These paintings make my mermaid soul sing. A few years ago, I was introduced to the artist by a mutual friend. I went to her studio and instantly fell in love with these two twin paintings. However, the art pieces weren’t the right size for what I was looking for at the time, so I didn’t purchase them.
Part of me held back because I was afraid to invest the money. Artwork isn’t a “necessity” and it felt so lavish to purchase the pieces. The price tag was more than I had ever spent on artwork.
As my new office was coming together, the perfect opening for these paintings was created between two hanging shelves. I had intended to hang something else behind my desk, but once I saw the space, my mind kept going back to these paintings. It had been a couple of years and I wasn’t sure if the paintings were still available to buy.
In a magical coincidence, that very day the artist posted a photo of herself in front of the SAME paintings. Two years after seeing them for the first time, I fell in love again, and I knew they had to go in my office. I reached out to the artist and purchased them immediately.
As soon as they were hanging on my wall, I could feel the energy vibrating behind me. Magic was everywhere. Within 45 days of their arrival, I had my biggest revenue month ever and generated more money than I had made in an entire year in the corporate world.
I have no doubt this enormous success was a direct result of saying YES to what I wanted, decluttering things that didn’t bring me joy, and focusing my energy on creating an environment that made me feel energized, amplified, and alive. I invited the magic in.
When we align every little piece of our life with how we WANT to feel, we attract more of the same.
This can be true for office furniture, clients, offerings, systems, habits, and thought patterns – If it doesn’t support you or bring you joy, let it go.
Are you ready to infuse some magic into your money? Here are some tips to get you started.
- Follow your intuition. So many of us are taught to not trust our intuition – especially with money. Your intuition is the best asset you have in making decisions. Trust your intuition on how and where and when to spend money – this includes investing in yourself and your business, the vendors you hire to support you, and investing in the space where you generate money.
- Make sure everything around you is in alignment with what you want to create.
- Say yes to what you want more of in your life and say no when something isn’t a good fit. Sometimes these choices can feel scary because it isn’t what we “should” do or the norm. If it feels right, go for it anyway.
- Declutter, remodel, and reorganize – are there old systems or habits that no longer serve you? Perhaps clients or offerings that are no longer in alignment? What are you ready to release?
- Be open to things showing up in unexpected ways. The universe is talking to you – are you listening? Money magic can surprise and delight you.
- Surround yourself with what really lights you up. Don’t just make do. Be deliberate with your choices.
- If it doesn’t bring you joy, let it go.
There is something very liberating about making deliberate choices to create magic with your money, and yes, it can even come in the form of marble garbage cans or paintings on the wall.
If you want help creating more magic with your money, check out my book The Land of Plenty: A Soulpreneur’s Guide to Finding Joy, Possibility and Abundance through Money Empowerment.
If you are interested in working with me to create more magic with your money, visit www.moneyempowermentproject.com to see my current offerings.

Carolynn Bottino is an author, speaker, and founder of the Money Empowerment Project®. Her international best-selling book of The Land of Plenty: A Soulpreneur’s Guide to Finding Joy, Possibility and Abundance through Money Empowerment was featured on the Spirited Woman’s top 12 book pick list for 2020.
After empowering more than 100 clients in her bookkeeping business, she discovered her passion helping soulpreneurs find joy around their money. Carolynn approaches money from a practical and holistic standpoint, with no judgement, helping you find abundance and transform your relationship with money.