To the horror of my stress levels and acid reflux, the Holidays are rapidly approaching. The busy stores, the howling children, copious amounts of alcohol, Christmas cookies, and snacks, casseroles, cheese….and did I mention the howling children???
![healthy holiday tips](
We know the holidays can be super stressful and a time where that pesky 10 pounds can sneak up on your backside.
I could give you a hundred tips on how to stay away from all the goodies and treats, but GIRL it’s Christmas. So, I am going to tell you to ENJOY THAT HOLIDAY TREAT that you have loved since you were a child.
But there is a way to do it, so you aren’t haunted by the ghost of a guilty past. Here are a few tips ( yep you got it, 12 tips in light of 12 days of Christmas), that even if you are travelling will help you stay guilt free.
- STOP RESTRICTING YOURSELF: We all know we do it. EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. We say we are NOT going to have a bad thing this year…. raise your hand if yours is the first to reach the cookie PLATTER AND THE LAST TO LEAVE IT. YOU HAVE GOT TO STOP!!!! Every time you restrict yourself, your brain flips the script and that’s all it wants and when you finally eat it the joyous, useless feelings of guilt hit you like a torpedo to the chest. So, stop!!!!!
- STICK TO VEGGIES AND MEAT: If you avoid the casseroles and heavy foods, you more likely to eat healthier and cut some calories.
- EAT THE MEAL FIRST: If you are going to multiple Thanksgiving dinners or Christmas parties and there are just some childhood or holiday treats you can’t do without, EAT IT. For instance, get your meat and veggies and then in a separate, smaller bowl get your treat and eat it last. Eat it slowly so that you can savor and enjoy it.
- PICK A HEALTHY RECIPE: If you pick a healthy recipe, and you make it, you are guaranteed something healthy to eat at each of the big holiday meals.
- HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE: Holiday foods are filled with sodium so drinking some a H20 will help you keep you flushed AND full!
- LEAVE THE LEFTOVERS: When people ask if you want to take some home, politely refuse or run away screaming. Either will work.
- GIRL GET YOUR WORKOUT ON: Whether you are travelling or staying home, getting a good “sweat-sesh” on will help burn some of those extra calories.
- THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM: Try to get active in the morning before everything gets started for the day. If you try to wait to the end of the day you might miss out on some holiday fun or you might be too tired from that holiday fun.
- BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Don’t be too hard on yourself if you eat a little more that normal and you had two or three pieces of pie. Tomorrow is a new day and you can fit in some extra steps if you need!!!
- PRACTICE MINDFULNESS: Try some yoga and meditation to keep the Holiday anxiety in check. The Holidays can really effect our emotions and stress levels which can cause us to develop unhealthy habits LIKE STRESS EATING.
- MAKE SURE YOU ARE STRETCHING: If you are travelling far or sitting for long periods of time, make stretching a part of your routine. This will keep you in the habit of moving and it will keep your body from getting stiff.
- SPEND ACTIVE TIME WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Get your friends and family active, take a walk after a big meal. Make it fun by going caroling or taking bake goods to the neighbors, go ice skating. Make it fun!
This Holiday season don’t stress. Enjoy your family, friends and traditions and even some great food by using these tips to stay healthy!!!
Your “No Bull” Trainer,
Lyndsey Bobola understands the struggles of losing weight and getting healthy. She has lost over 65 pounds through her fitness journey. Breaking through the fad diets and exercise routines and giving up excuses, Lyndsey created goals and developed nutrition plans that worked! She gained a healthy lifestyle and now feels better than ever before. As her life improved, Lyndsey developed a passion to help others discover the path to a healthier life.
Now, Lyndsey is here to help clients cut through the noise of Instagram fitness models and fad diets to find real, lasting change. She is here to help people who are ready to improve their life through fitness, health, and life goals.
Scrolling through Instagram accounts of so-called fitness models, Pinterest meal prep ideas, and online workout programs with no scientific backing, Lyndsey realized a majority of fitness ideas online are wrong. They are designed for quick but not lasting results, to make you feel inadequate, or to get your money and leave you hanging. Lyndsey wants to change that through education and hands-on training. Taking no excuses, she provides honest and effective guidance for people who are ready for change.
You can also find Lyndsey on: