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body positive body image

STRUGGLING WITH BODY IMAGE? Here’s My Story of Learning Body Positivity & Loving Myself!

body positive body image

This year my focus is on learning and loving. Learning more about who I am and loving what I find. Body Positivity is one of my most treasured lessons!

It is so easy to love other external things: Money, things, other people, places, foods and experiences. But, as a culture we have the hardest time loving ourselves and finding beauty in what we offer the world.

We spend time (including me) focusing on transformation and how we can better ourselves. But, we don’t take the time to appreciate where we are right now. We are always looking ahead to the next milestone or the next 10lbs lost. 

Detox is safe

Are you feeling sore and want to reduce the sources of your inflammation?

Or maybe you are tired of always feeling like your clothes are too tight when really it’s just the fact that you are bloated.

Registered Nutrition Coach, Dawn McGee has put together a simple and straightforward, 7 Day Detox Guide that will not only reduce inflammation and bloat but also prep your body if you are wanting to continue releasing stored fat.

Click the button below and we will send you your free workbook for your 7 Day Detox.


We can be in awe of a landscape or man-made wonder, but we look in the mirror and see mediocrity.  Our body-image becomes a self-image of mediocrity.

And honestly, it’s just sad. Actually, not sad; heartbreaking. My heart literally aches for the woman who constantly stands in the mirror taking inventory of the flaws yet gives no praise to her glorious body or her wonderful life.

RELATED: Being Bold About Body Image

You will see a picture of me, but no it will not be followed by another picture in 6 months. One where I have totally transformed myself from constant supervision of food and hours spent in the gym.

Don’t get me wrong eating healthy and exercising are awesome! But, it’s not my complete world. There ARE OTHER THINGS THAT MATTER, besides the outward appearance of my body. Being in a true mindset of body positivity allows me to embrace all of those other things THAT TRULY MATTER!

In fact, if you want some guidance in how to do that, our PLW contributor Dawn McGee has a great article on how to Ditch The Diet Mindset!


That is why February is about falling in love with yourself and your body.

The human body is an amazing miracle. From the cellular level to our emotional intelligence and incredible powers of innovation.

My goal for this month was to find the absolute beauty in every shape, size and color.  And to inspire you all to embrace a positive body image and find the love for yourself that you deserve!

Beauty is not a perfectly flat stomach or a thigh-gap. It’s gut-wrenching laughter that fills you to the core. It’s feeling pleased with who you are. Beauty is being filled with satisfaction and contentment.

And speaking of laughter… have you ever heard of laughter yoga? It is GREAT for you!!! Our PLW contributer, Brittney Hiller, even has an easy, affordable, online class about it! You can find out more about it at the Laughter Yoga Academy!

Beauty is showing up and revealing your true self to others, to show vulnerability and allow others to see you for who you really are.

Beauty is about being thoughtful with your words. It is speaking kindness to yourself and giving yourself grace. To be exactly who you want to be and enjoying the moments is true beauty! 

When you begin to see these things you no longer need a filter to in order to see your own beauty.


I am so tired of saying no to life because I don’t fit in the body image standard that has been set by society. It is a sham to believe that somehow life is not meant to be enjoyed unless you look a certain way.

How many of you experience this???

For instance, when I was a teenager, I refused to be seen in a bathing suit because my stomach wasn’t flat and I had some dimples on my legs. Guess what – NONE OF THAT STUFF HAS CHANGED!

What has changed is the way I see myself. I know how physically strong I am. Yes, my stomach may not be flat, but I can kill it in the gym. And with that knowledge, by embracing body positivity, I gain incredible inner strength as well!


Because I have learned this lesson, I empower and encourage others who come to me for training. And, I inspire others to live body positive lives and to see how awesome they are!

You don’t have to be a certain size to spread joy and light. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed through being immersed in love and joy. Twenty years from now I don’t want to look back on these moments and see that I didn’t try something or do something because I thought I didn’t look right.

I love my body and the things it can do, and I want other women to feel the same!

Our bodies are amazing works of art. Our so-called imperfections give us unique qualities that set us apart.

Just like a diamonds; we come in different colors and sizes. This is what makes us all uniquely, exquisitely breathtaking. This is why not one of us is more “right” than another.


I hope you have a February full of love,


Lyndsey Bobola understands the struggles of losing weight and getting healthy. She has lost over 65 pounds through her fitness journey. Breaking through the fad diets and exercise routines and giving up excuses, Lyndsey created goals and developed nutrition plans that worked! She gained a healthy lifestyle and now feels better than ever before. As her life improved, Lyndsey developed a passion to help others discover the path to a healthier life.

Now, Lyndsey is here to help clients cut through the noise of Instagram fitness models and fad diets to find real, lasting change. She is here to help people who are ready to improve their life through fitness, health, and life goals.

Scrolling through Instagram accounts of so-called fitness models, Pinterest meal prep ideas, and online workout programs with no scientific backing, Lyndsey realized a majority of fitness ideas online are wrong. They are designed for quick but not lasting results, to make you feel inadequate, or to get your money and leave you hanging. Lyndsey wants to change that through education and hands-on training. Taking no excuses, she provides honest and effective guidance for people who are ready for change.

You can also find Lyndsey on:



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