And just like that, it’s Pisces Season, bringing the element of Mutable Water with it. An indication that both winter and our Trip Around the Sun are drawing to a close. The weather is becoming warmer, and it’s as if we can almost feel Spring arriving. Let’s begin with the seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Most of us are familiar with this cycle and here in the Northern Hemisphere we are on the final stretch of winter.
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Now let’s combine the four elements: Fire , Earth , Air , and Water, and examine how they impact the four seasons. The three modes are another component of the puzzle: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable or the beginning, middle, and the end of a season. This pattern is never ending, enabling the components to flow from one to the other, much like the seasonal cycle. Each Trip Around the Sun reveals a new layer of ourselves, and over time, you will begin to grasp how all of the parts fit together and connect to you…
The Season of Pisces lasts from February 18th to March 20th. This season’s mood is similar to that of New Year’s Eve. Despite the fact that New Year’s Eve is the formal closing of the calendar year, Mutable Water is the last element of the elemental cycle. As I sit here in my tiny house on New Year’s Day, writing this blog, I can’t help but notice the energy parallels. When you start connecting the dots between Nature and its impact on the human body, there is so much to learn. The element of Water represents life in both religious and spiritual practices. It is what binds all living things on our planet together. We would not be able to exist without it. Water symbolizes our emotions, our home, and the way we care for ourselves.
Mutable Water is a period for you to reflect on all of the steps you’ve taken to get to where you are and allow yourself to just be. Remember your goals and what you need to do to achieve them? Before you embark on your next Trip Around the Sun, Mutable Water advises you to let go of what is no longer encouraging forward motion. There are no coincidences, Mutable Water teaches us to have compassion for all things. because it represents the culmination of all previous steps it took to be in this exact moment. It is that final emotion and completion of a cycle, our dream state.
I was absolutely inexperienced when I originally embarked on my Trip Around the Sun with you all. If you’ve been following this series, you’ve witnessed my journey unfold right in front of your eyes. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to achieve and hoped that I could express the message I wanted to impart: You truly can Nurture yourself with Nature.
Take the time to review your objectives and choose what you want to achieve. Hopefully, this Trip Around the Sun has shown you how we are all interconnected on the inside. That one piece flows into the next and that the lines we perceive are just suggestions.
Related Post: Using the Power of Taurus to Ignite Your Spring Fire
The early morning hours before daylight is represented by Mutable Water . When the world is dark, the air is still, and a feeling of calm prevails as a new day approaches. There’s no need to hurry; instead, pay your respects to those you’re leaving behind. A spark is produced when what was and what is about to be collide. This is where you connect with your dreams and tap into your desires, needs, and knowledge. In addition to your aspirations, fears, and desires. Finally, you may take a step back from your canvas and see your work in all its glory, as well as celebrate a job well done.
I encourage you to savor each step of your journey and consider how they all fit together. It’s not always easy to get away from our bustling lives and spend time alone with our thoughts. Mutable Water signifies our alone time, providing us with a feeling of completion and encouraging us to find our resolve. The beauty of it all is that it makes no difference how you got here. Your story does not have to publicly reveal your deepest and darkest secrets unless you want it to. Your secrets are as safe with you as they have always been. My hope is that, in time, we will all understand what it means to let go.
Working with the elements has transformed the way I travel. Life is nothing more than a series of Trips Around the Sun. Visit for more information on this season, Mutable Water , and how it’s impacting your travel.
Selina Bragg-Pastian: I became a student of the Arts in my childhood. A student of the cosmos in my teens. An educator of nutrition in my 20’s. An educator of the arts in my 30’s. A Kundalini Reiki practitioner in my 40’s. I am a lifelong learner. Newly discovering that all the while I have been cultivating my path. Combining all of my past teachings of Art, Nutrition, the Stars and Energy Work to create a self-care offering that uses nature as a modality. A realization that truly helped me reconnect to Nature and learn to Nurture myself.