In all the pregnancy tips and info I received while I was pregnant with my daughter in 2011, I feel like I wasn’t given some VERY important information.
Today I’m going to share what I wish I would have known before I got pregnant. And no it isn’t the best diaper bag or stroller out there. My hope is that someone out there will learn from my mistakes.
I have done a lot of research since beginning to live healthy and I found studies that have found over 200 chemicals in cord blood. (1) These chemicals contribute to birth defects, health issues like asthma, and even disease later in life.
The most recent studies I found on this are at least 10 years old. I’d be willing to bet that the amount of chemicals in newborns today is even higher!
I would also be willing to bet that my daughter was born with many harmful chemicals in her. I had NO idea that everything I was doing at that time was contributing to my poor health. I was loading both my body and hers with toxins.
I’ve learned that for the first time ever in history, our kids are being born with a shorter life expectancy than their parents. (2)
If I could go back in time, I would have eaten ALL organic produce and meats that were grass fed and pasture raised.
I would have MAJORLY decreased the amount of sugar I was taking in. I had convinced myself that my sugar consumption was in ‘moderation’; however, it was out of control! Sometimes I would have upwards of 4 times the amount of recommended sugar in a day.
Side note: I really hate the saying ‘Everything in moderation’ and you can find out why here.
I would have stopped using the toxic chemical filled makeup, shampoo, lotion and soaps that I was using every day.
I would have worked on loving myself more and taking more time for myself. We need to remember, that it is so necessary and not at all selfish.
I was not a happy person. A lot of that did had to do with the fact that I wasn’t healthy. My body was overloaded with toxins. But I didn’t understand how my unhappiness and moodiness was negatively affecting my daughter while I was pregnant with her.
I wish I had worked to clear my brain fog so that after my daughter was born I would have had a clear mind and been able to enjoy all the little moments with her. Instead, I was so tired and foggy that I was mentally checked out most of the day.
I never would have got breast implants or had them removed long before I got pregnant because they’re so toxic. However, I had them while I was pregnant and breastfeeding. One goal I have for 2020 is to finally have them removed.
All of these lead me to feel guilty. I didn’t do what was best for her from the get go.
I work on letting that guilt go because that’s not healthy either. I have to remember that I had no idea at that time that what I was putting in and on my body was so incredibly harmful.
I tell you and my clients that there is no shame in our mom game. As we know better, we do better BUT I’m also reminding myself of that.
I’m so grateful that I now know all that I know and continue to learn so that I feel empowered and in control of my health and my family’s health. And I’m not gonna lie – a part of me wants to make up for what I didn’t know before I was pregnant, while I was pregnant and even shortly after my daughter was born.
So if you don’t have children and aren’t pregnant yet, it’s a great time to start eliminating toxins and healing your body to get it ready to be the best place to grow a baby.
BUT if you are pregnant or already have kids PLEASE don’t think I’m saying that it’s too late to start. It’s never too late to start making better choices for us and our family’s.
Let me know if any of this resonated with you today. And when you’re ready to be the confident leader of your family’s wellness, I’m here for ya.
So remember that there’s no shame in your mom game and as we know better we do better.

Brianne Pruitt is a wife, mom, Registered Nurse and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. After winning the battle with her own brain fog, Bri became passionate about guiding mom’s through the journey of busting their brain fog so that they can be the energetic, happy mama they crave to be. www.hippiedippiemom.com
You can also find Bri on the following social media platforms: