Did you know that there is now science-backed evidence and research showing that creative play can reduce stress, ease anxiety and even reduce cortisol? All that coloring you did as a kid was really good for you!
There was a study done a few years ago that showed that 45 minutes of art-making and creative play significantly reduced cortisol levels in 75% of the study participants. Not only that, but they also said, “they found the art-making session to be relaxing, enjoyable, helpful for learning about new aspects of self, and experienced a feeling a sense of flow/losing themselves in the work.” Why should this matter to you? Because high levels of cortisol have been linked to depression, anxiety and an inability to lose weight among other health risks.
I am not a health professional but according to experts at Mayo Clinic chronic stress puts your health at risk. I have experienced this firsthand. Having my hormones tested at different stages of life has shown a direct correlation between my physical health, weight gain and the amount of stress in my life.
I don’t have it all figured out yet, still working on getting all the pieces playing nicely together for myself. I do know that the more I manage my stress effectively, the better I feel, the happier I am and the more I enjoy my life and family.
Creative play lifts your spirits
Creative play is one of the best ways to reduce feelings of stress, worry and burnout. Engaging in art-making or creative activities of all kinds can lift your spirits, shift your mood and get you back on track for the day.
You might be reading this saying, “But I’m not creative, I don’t know how to draw, paint, dance, sing, fill in the blank.” The truth is that we are all creative. Think back to some of the things you loved to do as a child and were fearless about trying or engaging in until somewhere along the way someone said to you, “You can’t draw, paint, dance, sing, fill in the blank.” As Brené Brown says, we all have these creativity scars in our past.
I know I did. I got bad grades in my art classes and got Cs on poems I wrote in English class. One time as a young girl I got asked to sit down and be quiet during a Christmas sing-along with my family. Ouch.
Zentangle® was a turning point in my creative journey
But I am a creative spirit and I love to make stuff. For years I channeled that energy into holiday crafts or gifts for friends, cooking and entertaining and I am the Queen of gourmet picnics.
Then I discovered Zentangle®, a meditative form of drawing patterns and I found my Inner Artist again. That journey started close to 10 years ago and since then I continued to play and grow as an artist. I even started selling my own art last year, something I never would have dreamed was possible.
While it’s cool to call myself artist and to sell my paintings, the bigger benefits of art-making flow from times when I simply engage in creative play, with no intention for outcomes, just joy in the journey. When I allow myself to relax and experiment, I feel my body lightening up and my spirits rise. Below I share three of my favorite creative activities for reducing stress and burnout.
Here are 3 of my favorite creative stress-busting activities:
Coloring out the stress – this is one of my favorite daily activities in my journal. Grab some paper or a journal and a box of crayons, colored pencils or markers. Find a quiet spot to sit for 10 minutes. You might choose to listen to music or sit outside to do this. First take a few deep breaths and connect to how you are feeling. Allow yourself to feel any feelings of stress rising in your body. Select a couple of colors that represent stress and then color out those feelings onto paper.
Don’t try to draw anything, just scribble out the emotions and let the flow onto the page. When you feel complete and more at ease. Take a few more deep breaths, connect now to ease and joy. Select new colors, a clean sheet of paper and call in the feelings you want more of. Do this until you feel your body settle and relax. The more you do this the better you will feel. It’s a beautiful way to acknowledge and express the full range of emotions you are feeling.
Painting Meditation – using watercolors or acrylic paints on paper and simply play with color. No need to create a representational image, play with texture, patterns and colors. Choose colors intuitively, you don’t need to know anything about color theory. You will usually pick colors that have a vibrational energy that will soothe or nourish you. You can do this to music, too, adding an element of sensual experience. Or paint while listening to a guided visualization. There are some great free ones on the Hay House podcast.
Dance! – Turn on your favorite tunes in the privacy of your home and let your body move. This is good for you on so many levels, the physical, the emotional and the spiritual. This has been a huge part of my creative journey to wellness in the past year. I found a local dance class I love and I also discovered the Body Groove program online which is a lovely, playful, freeform style of dance founded by Misty Tripoli that I am having so much fun with.
Other ideas include digging in the garden, taking a walk, enjoying coloring in a coloring book or playwith with Lego (not just for kids!) 15 minutes of creative play can ease anxiety, help you relax and bring more joy to your day.
Want to learn more about how to IGNITE YOUR CREATIVE FIRE? Join me in my fun and innovative online course! Check it out HERE!
To your best creative life!
Dr. Minette
And don’t forget to share your favorite ways to creatively play in the comments below!

Dr. Minette Riordan is a risk-taker and curiosity seeker who loves jumping feet first into business building and art making. Her mantra is, “how hard can it be?”
A modern day Renaissance woman, Minette is an artist, writer, award-winning entrepreneur and advocate for creativity as essential to the well-being of all people and our planet.
She has built several successful businesses and published 3 books including her best seller The Artful Marketer.
She believes that we are all creative and when we become disconnected from our inner creative fire, we lose sight of our passion and purpose.
She is not alone in these beliefs. Recent studies by IBM and LinkedIn cite creativity as the single most important trait for today’s leaders yet only 1 in 4 people believe they are creative.
Minette helps leaders and their teams reconnect to their innate creativity. When we are all working in our highest and best creative genius, we can solve all the world’s problems.
When she’s not traveling to speak or lead workshops, you will find Minette in her studio making art that’s beautiful and inspiring. Learn more about her creative adventures at www.minetteriordan.com