If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times: Creating lasting results in your health and nutrition is a long-term game. For better or for worse, we can’t just go on a crash diet for a few weeks, drop a ton of weight, and expect to never have to worry about our health ever again. BUT that being said . . . there ARE things you can do to feel good right now!
Diets don’t work. There’s no such thing as a silver bullet. And, if you really want to see big changes in your health and in your life, you have to be committed to making small choices Every. Single. Day. So, let’s start today!
There are a few ways you can go ahead and start making healthy changes right now—choices that will help you feel healthier in the short-term and the long-term – choices that will help you feel good right now.
We’re talking a little bit about some quick wins that can help you feel awesome, boost your energy, get rid of bloat, and get your mindset right TODAY.
![Detox is safe](https://peacefullivingwellness.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Detox.jpg)
Are you feeling sore and want to reduce the sources of your inflammation?
Or maybe you are tired of always feeling like your clothes are too tight when really it’s just the fact that you are bloated.
Registered Nutrition Coach, Dawn McGee has put together a simple and straightforward, 7 Day Detox Guide that will not only reduce inflammation and bloat but also prep your body if you are wanting to continue releasing stored fat.
Click the button below and we will send you your free workbook for your 7 Day Detox.
Here on Peaceful Living Wellness, we talk a lot about mindfulness in every area of your life . . . But have you considered whether you’re being mindful about your food and your eating?
I’m not talking about starting a new diet here. I’m talking about thinking strategically about the purpose of your food, and how that relates to what you’re putting in your body.
For example, let’s say you’re feeling kind of sluggish and low-energy today. Being mindful about your food today might mean acknowledging that the purpose of your food is to provide fuel to your body—and that your body is clearly telling you it doesn’t have the right fuel to function today. So rather than reaching for an iced coffee or a chocolate bar to give yourself a temporary pick-me-up, you might choose to grab some fresh fruit, lean protein, and a tall glass of cold water or iced herbal tea.
Now, will choosing to eat a balanced, healthy lunch for one afternoon totally change your life? Probably not. But it will give you the sustainable energy you need to get through the next few hours with a clearer head and potentially reduce any bloat/digestive discomfort you may be experiencing. That’s a quick win you can feel good about.
RELATED POST: Healthy Toast Toppers for Breakfast and Snacking!
We all know it’d be great if we could get in a hardcore workout every day. If you’re new to living a healthy lifestyle though, trying to force yourself to go to the gym every single day can feel intimidating, impossible, and overwhelming. So instead of telling yourself you’ll make time for a full-on workout tomorrow (for real this time), start by just doing what you can. It will help you feel good right now.
Even if your job requires you to be seated at a desk for a lot of the day, shifting your mindset to a perspective of healthy habits will turn up way more opportunities to move than you realize. This might mean . . .
- swapping elevators for stairs
- parking in the back of the parking lot when you run errands
- standing up to work at your standing desk or kitchen table
- taking a five minute break to walk around once per hour
- going for a walk while you talk on the phone
. . . Be creative!
Similarly to the last tip, choosing to move today obviously isn’t going to immediately result in six-pack abs. The point here is to clear your head, boost your endorphins, get your heart rate up, and stretch your muscles so you feel more engaged throughout the rest of your day.
RELATED POST: The Magic of Mindfulness in Movement
Depending on your schedule/whether you have children/etc., this might feel like a big ask. But I promise you, if you can take just FIVE minutes for yourself today, you’ll feel the results immediately.
We often talk about the importance of self-care without acknowledging the impracticality of things like weekly massages and manicures. If that’s your thing, great! But, if you don’t have that kind of time to spare, you can still get in some simple self-care in just five minutes.
Lock yourself in the bathroom. Take a few deep breaths. Play a mindless game on your phone. Go for a quick walk up and down your street. Cry if you need to. Do whatever you’ve gotta do to address YOUR needs right now. It’ll make a world of difference. It will help you to feel good right now.
RELATED POST: The Art of Stress Management Through Slowing Down
If you’re feeling less than awesome right now, your body is probably trying to tell you what it needs. Try to get quiet for a moment and listen. Do you need more water? More sleep? Less stress?
When in doubt, know that a lot of our basic needs can be lumped into three categories: eating, moving, and recharging. If you can make time to address your needs in those three categories today, I’m willing to bet that you’ll start feeling a lot better even before the day is out.
If you’d like to learn more about eating, moving, and recharging more intentionally, or about making positive changes in your health that can lead to lasting results, grab my Guide to 7 Nutrition Lies that will Derail Your Health – it helps you sift through the fake news of nutrition and get to the truth of it all. I created it for women like you because there are so many myths out there that are preventing us from having the health that we want. Grab it here → http://bit.ly/DM7Lies
To Feeling Good Right Now!
Dawn McGee is a certified and licensed Nutrition Evangelist and a long-time foodie, she focuses on both the health and joy of food as fuel for your body. She is a driving force in bringing education on healthy eating to more people through her community, my “Reclaim Your Life, One Bite at a Time” programs, and my book “365 Days of Healthy Living”. Her hope for you is that you live a life you love, without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up your glass