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3 Ways Yoga Can Help, Even If You Aren’t Flexible

When you think about yoga and attempting it, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  I asked this question recently to my friends on social media and one answer stuck out to me the most, “Not knowing how to do a handstand”.  Oof! It seems the world of yoga and its mainstream lifestyle has created a different conversation of what yoga actually is.

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Many people who practice yoga like to share pictures of themselves in fancy yoga positions. This can include a handstand, or crow, or flying leaping dragon (I made that one up), but this conversation truly limits those who are interested in attempting yoga because they may feel intimidated. 

I often look back to the moment I first attempted yoga, and share my gratitude to my dance teacher in high school. I was fifteen — in dance class — and my teacher popped the VHS tape in and said, “ok, you are all going to warm up with this before class.” And just like that, I was introduced to yoga. 

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Back in 1998, yoga was not as mainstream and as a matter-of-fact. It was seen as woo-woo or only practiced by hippies. I am thankful to have been placed in that group at a young age because for me and for others, yoga has become a life-changing and life-giving practice. 

Here are three ways yoga can help you, yes even you oh, unflexible one.

  1. Yoga Creates Flexibility

Ahhh yes! The beauty of yoga is that it assists in creating flexibility in our bodies. Think of it like this: for those who practice yoga and are already flexible, their main goal would be to create strength in their body — not to create hypermobility.

If you find that you use the excuse that you can not practice yoga because you are not flexible, it is almost like saying you can not eat dinner because you are hungry.  The physical practice of yoga creates flexibility as the act of eating dinner feeds your hunger. 

  1. Yoga Reduces Stress

Imagine yourself doing the same thing every day, and never taking a moment to ease the tension of life.  You may become aggravated, tight, and find that you take few deep breaths.  When you include yoga into your life, you release the act of doing the same thing every day.  You gift yourself moments to breathe deeply, stretch your body with intention, and relax your mind, body, and self.  Yoga creates a relaxation response within the body and helps reduce stress naturally.

  1. Yoga Improves Balance

Through various yoga poses (such as tree, warrior, and chair), yoga creates stability in the muscles. When we strengthen our core muscles, those responsible for strong hips, back, and abdomen, we are able to maintain a comfortable level of balance that will help reduce the risk of falling.

Yoga assists in this greatly with its many core based postures. 

I have included below a beginner-friendly yoga hour so that you may begin your yoga practice now, in the comfort of your home.

Dedicate a spot where you may take an hour to be with yourself and enjoy the many benefits of yoga, today.

Hour Beginner Yoga Practice


Brittney is the creator of the Effervescence Yoga brand and the owner of Effervescense Yoga Spa in the beautiful resort town of Beaufort, South Carolina. Brittney is passionate about leading a life full of laughter and joy! That is why she is also a certificated laughter yoga teacher & laughter yoga leadership trainer. She is also a Follow-Your-Passion Coach and the producer and head talent of Flowcountry, the Lowcountry’s only streaming yoga show!



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