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4 Steps to Manifesting Your Desired Success

4 Steps to Manifesting Your Desired Success: A new craze is emerging among successful entrepreneurs: the concept of manifestation — also known as the use of the Law Of Attraction.

When we utilize the Law of Attraction, we implement key components to help attract that which we desire into our lives.  I have personally practiced the Law of Attraction before I even knew that it was a thing to do.

At the age of seven, I manifested a video game device by using the four steps I am going to share with you in this chapter. 

Grab your favorite drink to sip on, a notebook and pen, and enjoy learning my secrets to creating your desired success.

Manifesting Maven Tip #1: Ask And It Is Given

Seems simple, right?  Every good book talks about the magic power of asking to receive, yet there is a certain way to ask that not everyone is talking about.

When we ask to receive, we are not meant to ask and sit, we are meant to ask and listen.

I give an in-depth look at this in my book, Manifesting Maven.

Ask for that which you desire and then listen. 

This is the step many overlook. 

When we listen, we receive the next step.

God will share with us what it is we are to do next to receive that which we desire and sometimes it will show up as, “look on your social media platform” or “cut out that picture”. 

This happened to me when I was a young child attempting to manifest the video game. I cut it out and began playing with it – sound and all – in front of my parents.

Manifesting Maven Tip #2: Action

Once we have received our mission we must act.  This is vital to receiving that which we desire. For if we do not act on the message we receive, we may miss the opportunity that is presented to us. 

This almost happened to me when I was attempting to manifest my next step for my YogaSpa. I was given the mission to purchase a shelving unit from a friend, I knew I could use it, but at the time it didn’t seem necessary to me. The purpose behind my purchase (which I did not see at the time) was to visit and discuss with my friend what her next steps were. 

As I found out she was moving, I was able to ask about her studio space which led me graciously to receiving an idyllic location for my YogaSpa.  Without making that odd-to- me at the time, purchase, I would not have had the opportunity to manifest the water view and expanded YogaSpa business I had truly desired.

Manifesting Maven Tip #3: Gratitude

While attempting to manifest that which we desire most, it is extremely important to practice gratitude.  You see, that which we are grateful for shows up more. 

If we are asking to receive something and it does not show up within our concluded time frame, we may become disappointed.  Though this is completely understandable, what happens is counter to what we truly desire. 

The Law of Attraction is simply this, that which we attract, we receive

Therefore, if and when we begin to concentrate on thoughts of lack, we create more lack in our life. Naturally, if and when we begin to concentrate on thoughts of what we are grateful for that have already manifested in our lives, we will receive more and oftentimes, better of these.

Think of it this way, if you are desiring your dream business and you concentrate on the jobs and careers of your past that did not serve your highest good – more of those will show up in your life.

Yet, if you begin to concentrate and visualize your dream business and send gratitude to it daily, more missions to receive this will begin to show up for you.

One of my daily gratitudes is:

“I am so grateful and thankful for a thriving and highly popular Yoga Studio and Spa, how does it get any better than this?”

Manifesting Maven Tip #4: Receive

This is my FAVORITE tip, for obvious reasons, we get to RECEIVE!

Here is the trick when manifesting that which you desire, when you receive, receive with gratitude. 

Many times, people often forget that they were working toward manifesting the very thing that shows up in their lives. For example, the house that you live in, the car you drive, the relationship you cherish, the child you may have, all of these were something you were at one point in your life desiring to manifest.

We can sometimes get carried away and back on to the treadmill of “what’s next?”.

Take a moment right now and look at all that you have manifested into your life. 

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Give gratitude to everything you can think of, pay attention to the most recent thing that showed up in your life as if by magic. 

Thank it all for showing up and for serving you.

Now, when we receive, it may not show up exactly as we imagined it too, maybe your business caters to a different niche client than you originally thought you would work with, perhaps your lover has a different hair color than you pictured, what ever it may be, know that releasing the need to have it show up a certain way, will allow the receiving process to happen just a bit faster than you may have imagined it.

You have my top tips on becoming a Manifesting Maven, begin today with the areas that you feel you may have not yet practiced. Everyday is the chance to manifest that which you desire and the more you Ask & Listen, Act, and give Gratitude, the more you will Receive.

Enjoy an in-depth look at becoming a Manifesting Maven in my new book, Manifesting Maven.


Brittney is the creator of the Effervescence Yoga brand and the owner of Effervescense Yoga Spa in the beautiful resort town of Beaufort, South Carolina. Brittney is passionate about leading a life full of laughter and joy! That is why she is also a certificated laughter yoga teacher & laughter yoga leadership trainer. She is also a Follow-Your-Passion Coach and the producer and head talent of Flowcountry, the Lowcountry’s only streaming yoga show!



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