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5 STEPS TO OVERCOME GYM INTIMIDATION: A Story About the First Time I Walked Into a Gym

“What do you have to lose?”

Lyndsey BobolaPersonal Trainer

The first time I ever walked into a gym the first thing I noticed was the smell of feet, sweat, and what I now know is called the “grind.”

The sign outside said taking new members and a $15 dollar monthly special was going.

I thought to myself, “what do I have to lose?”

After signing my life away. And taking any and all responsibility away from them if one of these machines crushed me to death. I walked over, shoved all my stuff into a cubby and adjusted the yoga pants that practically rolled their way down my leg ( they weren’t excited to be there either!)

As I looked around the gym, a mecca to some, hell for me. Then I spotted something that vaguely reminded me of a recliner and made a direct beeline for this vacant machine. I walked up to this contraption that looked like something straight out of the OBGYN. Bending over to read the instructions (eyes squinted, mouth open) hoping  nobody was looking, I sat down.

If you don’t know what piece of equipment I am referring to, let me give you a visual. You sit down with two padded metal objects between your legs. On the side is a lever that you lift and adjust to spread your legs almost to the point of excruciating pain, from there you squeeze what’s left of them together and voila your dignity is groin….I mean gone.

So I sat down and stretched my legs to the point where I thought I was going to walk like someone out of Lonesome Dove. Low and behold on that last set, as I am ferociously squeezing my thighs together, RIPPPPP!!!

….NO I DIDN’T FART…. My pants ripped. I was mortified. First I looked around… GREAT!!!! No one  was watching (sigh of relief). I shimmied myself off of this glorified thigh master and inched toward the cubbies. But, just before I could reach my jacket to cover the shame of my backside, some one pipes up. “Hey I think you ripped your pants.”

*Cue hand slap over face* End of Scene. Cut

Some of you are laughing hard. Some of you are shaking your head with embarrassment for me!!!  Thank you to both groups!

However, some of you can relate. Listen, walking into a gym for the first time can be overwhelming. Heck, it is down right scary. Especially if you have never before worked out. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND and feel like it’s something we need to discuss if you want to feel comfortable and confident!


STEP 1. Determine your goal!

STEP 2. Determine your goal!

Decide what you want.  Once you know what your goal is, then you can pick a gym, trainer or fitness center that best suits your needs. Taking the time to research and have some conversations about the options available in your area is important so that you can have consistency and success in your fitness routine.

Ask yourself questions like: Do I want a traditional membership to a gym? Or, do I prefer unique workouts (i.e. Kickboxing, Zumba, pilates)?

Do you like group classes? Or individual training? Maybe you need a lot of accountability or only a little. Or maybe you need a gym that is 24/7 with showers.

There is nothing worse than paying for a membership you don’t use. By answering these questions you can determine what is right for you!

3. Ask lots of questions

The only way you will learn is by asking questions. Most gyms have staff who are employed specifically to help you operate the equipment or show you the right form for certain exercises….THEY ARE CALLED TRAINERS. 😊 Plus most gyms give you 1 to 2 free sessions of personal training when you sign up, tell them what you would like to learn.

This will also help protect your body from injury. Trying workouts without instruction often ends-up with people hurting themselves.

4. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Yep, sometimes you are going to feel idiotic when you try something for the first time. And you will feel like everyone is staring. GUESS WHAT???? More often than not, they are worried about the same thing. So don’t worry about feeling awkward or uncomfortable. It takes time to learn motor skills.

5. Go back.

If I can go back after my epic pants rip, so can you!

As certified personal trainer I am here to answer your questions! Feel free to reach-out to me personally OR leave a comment!

You CAN do this! And, I’m here to help!

Cheering You On!


Lyndsey Bobola understands the struggles of losing weight and getting healthy. She has lost over 65 pounds through her fitness journey. Breaking through the fad diets and exercise routines and giving up excuses, Lyndsey created goals and developed nutrition plans that worked! She gained a healthy lifestyle and now feels better than ever before. As her life improved, Lyndsey developed a passion to help others discover the path to a healthier life.

Now, Lyndsey is here to help clients cut through the noise of Instagram fitness models and fad diets to find real, lasting change. She is here to help people who are ready to improve their life through fitness, health, and life goals.

Scrolling through Instagram accounts of so-called fitness models, Pinterest meal prep ideas, and online workout programs with no scientific backing, Lyndsey realized a majority of fitness ideas online are wrong. They are designed for quick but not lasting results, to make you feel inadequate, or to get your money and leave you hanging. Lyndsey wants to change that through education and hands-on training. Taking no excuses, she provides honest and effective guidance for people who are ready for change.

You can also find Lyndsey on:



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