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Travel Tips


“The world is waiting for you. Good luck. Travel Safe. Go !”

– Phil Keoghan

This quote is befitting given the current state of our world. My world. Your world….We are all connected and all responsible for our individual part in protecting ourselves. This self-protection in turn helps to protect others we may not know that need our help. And that includes while we travel. With these 5 Travel Tips you will be helping to protect yourself and others.

I had the privilege of being an Army child who happened to attend school with a very special young lady named Summer Bloyer. She is amongst many individuals with compromised immune systems that rely on everyone around her to do their part in practicing safe travel habits so that she can stay as safe as possible. I won’t attempt to tell you her story, as I believe I wouldn’t do it justice.

Please watch Summer’s NBC interview to gather insight into her COVID-19 life concerns. 

Keeping Summer and others with compromised immune systems in mind, I have put together my top 5 tips on how to travel safely:


TIP ONE: Always bring your face mask

This is imperative when you are planning to enter any public location (grocery store, gas station, Walmart) or any restaurants. 

 I live in Florida where it is now mandated to wear face masks in public establishments and to also practice social distancing.

Side note: I went to the beach in early July and EVERYONE was social distancing. I had no issue finding a secluded spot to pop out my chair and laptop to enjoy the scenery in peace — do not believe everything on the news…there are people who are complying with safety guidelines without fuss. You may just need to search out the beaches where people are being more compliant.

TIP TWO:  Social distance as if your HEALTH depends on it

I travel quite often to my second home multiple times a month in Georgia. So I am quite familiar with my designated stops on my routes. However, no matter where I stop, I stay 6ft from everyone.

Sometimes this means waiting outside a busy restaurant due to crowds inside…THAT IS QUITE ALRIGHT WITH ME! 


If you need to wait an extra 5-10 minutes for an establishment to clear out…DO IT!

If you need to switch to a restaurant that offers curbside instead of your intended place to eat….DO IT!

If you need to pay an extra delivery fee to have your meal delivered to your home or hotel…DO IT!

MY POINT?…Do whatever extra steps are needed to keep you and your loved ones as safe as possible…and DO IT without a second thought about it.

Peaceful Living Wellness urges you to follow these and the Covid-19 safety guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. Following the Covid-19 safety guidelines published here or on the CDC and WHO websites DOES NOT IN ANY WAY GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL NOT CONTRACT COVID-19. THESE ARE GUIDELINES AND MEANT TO BE USED WITH CAUTION.

TIP FOUR: Choose smart destinations

MY POINT IS….This is not the time to go to your favorite nail shop just because you like their prices!  If your favorite places are not enforcing regulations that aim to keep their staff and customers safe…pay the extra $10 and go to the place down the street that has safety guidelines in place.

The same applies for choosing hotels and resorts when traveling out of town

Side Note: I have rewards memberships for a reason…Yes, I like free beverages and discounts on food…BUUUUT I also have high expectations…

These hotels are the ones that have sent me numerous emails about their enhanced safety guidelines during these times, and I greatly appreciate it!

If you don’t see any guidelines in place, go somewhere else PLEASE…OR have a relaxing and safe meal at home in a onesie binge watching your favorite movies 🙂

TIP FIVE:  Germ killers are a must!

 Hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap with a bottle of water etc.  LITERALLY whichever option makes you the most comfortable is what I want you to have with you

ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: I seriously will wash my hands in a public restroom, then go to my car and break out my hand sanitizer…this is NOT a game!

Now that you’ve gotten my 5 tips on staying safe while you travel, I want to give you a few “Chantre said” items to live by…prior to, during, and after COVID.

If anyone questions you when you tell them these last tips, just tell them, “Chantre’ said…” and then send them to me if you need backup 🙂



Chantre’ Said:

1)    DO NOT FEEL GUILTY for being that person who weirdly opens the door with her elbow to keep from touching the handle. LOL

FUN FACT about me: I do this OR I am known to use my foot LOL…don’t ask 🙂

2)    IT IS OKAY TO TRAVEL…just do it in a smart way that protects yourself & others.

  •  Avoid crowds or hotspot destinations
  •  Follow safety guidelines and instructions


  • Tomorrow is NOT promised, and never has been…even prior to a pandemic.
  • COVID will her here for a long time, but if you follow safety protocols and travel selectively you can still enjoy traveling.

4)   Ask a travel agent, like me,  to help you with making good travel choices if needed.

  •  If you want to travel, I can help you find a trip where you literally can relax, enjoy the experience, make lasting memories…AND STAY 6FT APART FROM EVERYONE ELSE AND WEARING YOUR MASK when ordering your fruity drinks (I don’t drink) TO GO back to your secluded beach spot or cabin in the mountains or luxury hotel room 🙂 

BTW—My birthday is coming up in a few weeks…look out for that blog post and see me take my own advice 🙂

Stay safe, and travel with care. Send me a message or like & follow my Tre’s Travel Experiences FB page  for some upcoming 2021 group trips (Toronto, Bali, Thailand 2021) that you can gladly join me on if you need a travel friend. 🙂 I am kid friendly as well so I am that All-Around-Good-Friend to travel with LOL

Join my TTE Travel Tribe email listing and our TTE Travel Lovers Group so that you can stay up to date on upcoming deadlines and itineraries when they are posted 🙂

And keep reading my posts on Peaceful Living Wellness for more travel tips!

Until next time, your trusted travel agent and travel lover,


My name is Chantre’ (Tre’ for short). I am a military brat and soon to be a military wife. I have two fur babies; a Rottweiler named Duke and a German Shepperd named Aurora. I am a travel agent that specializes in EVERYTHING!…mostly fun quick trips or international trip for me personally, but I love researching for every client as if I am traveling with them. 

Traveling is where my passion lies. Being in school my whole life, I am at the point where I am now settled and ready to begin my journey to explore the WORLD as much as possible. I have a yearning to see new things and cities, and experience other beliefs and cultures. As a young woman, it can be difficult to find other women that are in the same mindset as I am, and who are ready to take this journey with me in this season of my life…this is why I started my @tres_travelexperiences business and blog. I want to be able to share my experiences with others who share my passion for travel, but are being held back. Experience traveling through my journey.

I am passionate about being able to connect with other women no matter age or background, that are seeking travel experiences as I am, and just need someone to travel with like me. Prior to meeting my love, I was fully prepared and had literally booked a 15 days trip to Europe…SOLO. The amount of courage it took, I cannot even describe but I am thankful to God that He settled my mind, heart, and soul to take the leap. I know every woman may not want to do the same, so I am more than happy to plan a trip for others, whether big or small, solo or group. 

If you have an urge to travel, but no one to travel with …come join me on one of my upcoming trips! On my Facebook page, you will find events where you can register for upcoming trips that I have planned which are open for you to join us. You will also find travel deals that I have created, but can be customized for your specific needs. Some of my trips will be very kid-friendly due to my current auntie role, so please reach out and connect with me in the links below. Feel free to contact me for a chat about what your specific needs are and I will be more than happy to have a chat with you! 




2 Responses

    1. Thanks Ashley!

      Chantre is keeping all of our Peaceful Living Travel fans up-to-date on how to keep their travel dreams alive, & how to be super safe, during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We appreciate your comment!

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