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Bonding With Your Daughter Through Yoga

What mom does not want her daughter to feel strong, inspired, confident, and secure?  These qualities support girls through the ups and downs of adolescence and into adulthood.  They also lead to a high self-esteem and positive attitude toward life! 

One of the most powerful contributors to a girl’s strong, confident attitude and secure sense of self is her mom.  The way in which moms model and teach their personal values and a positive attitude give girls a roadmap for how to do the same.  A mom is the most influential teacher in a girl’s life.  But, it’s not always easy to maintain that influence, especially during adolescence. At this stage, a mother’s guidance can be met with rebellion and rejection.  However, if a healthy, respectful relationship has been fostered, communication and influence are easy!  One way to encourage this kind of relationship and build a mother-daughter bond that sustains the tumultuous winds of adolescence is to share creative, inspiring experiences together, like Mother-Daughter Yoga. 

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In addition to promoting connection and introspection, yoga has many additional benefits for moms and girls: 

Yoga inspires a strong, confident attitude. At its core, yoga is a practice of self-acceptance and non-judgment. It is one of the few experiences free from competition.  It encourages moms and girls to honor their own process and progress instead of comparing themselves to others.  

Yoga celebrates the uniqueness of every type of body.  Yoga is a reminder that strength comes in many forms, that each day is different, and the body is always changing.  Moms and girls are encouraged to find gratitude for what their bodies can do and accept their limits.  

Yoga reduces stress.  Yoga postures are designed to promote strength, balance, and inner-peace. On the mat, moms and girls explore the qualities of movement and stillness, and learn how to cultivate balance between action and inaction.  Most importantly, they discover how to use their breath to calm their bodies and relax their minds.  

The best part of yoga is that it is easy to do anywhere! You can start a simple Mother-Daughter yoga practice with the following poses.  Use the inspired discussion suggestions as a springboard into an honest and heartfelt conversation.  Not only will the poses inspire introspection and connection, they will also leave you and your daughter feeling energized, stretched, and strong!  

Yoga pose #1: Row Your Boat

Sit down facing each other.  Bring the souls of your feet to touch and take hold of each other’s hands.  Lean back and balance on your sits-bones. Challenge your flexibility by straightening your legs.  

Inspired discussion: This pose reminds us of how important it is to support each other during “rocky” times. Talk about how you support each other and the other people in your lives that provide support. 

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Yoga pose #2: Super Side Plank

Lay on your stomach, facing each other, head to head.  Bring your hands under your shoulders and push up to a plank-pose (like a top of a push-up.)  Lower your knees for more support.  Roll to the edge of your right foot and press down through your right hand. Now, you are in a side plank position.  For more stability, keep your left foot on the ground in front of your right foot and reach for each other’s left hand.   Lift your hips to create a rainbow shape with your body.  Try both sides and don’t be surprised isone side is a bit easier than the other. 

Inspired discussion:  This pose reminds us to maintain balance in life. Talk about what balance means and how you create balance in the different areas of your lives.  Come up with new ways to support each other in living a balanced life. 

Yoga pose #3: Breathe and Twist

Sit back-to-back in a cross-legged position, also called “easy pose” in yoga. It should feel like your backs are supporting each other.  Reach your arms to the sky as you take an inhale. As you exhale, turn and twist to the right. You will be moving in the same direction.  Reach your right hand for your daughter’s left knee.  Her right hand will reach for your left knee. Try both sides and changing the cross of your legs. 

Inspired discussion:  This twisting pose encourages the body to detoxify. Talk about what it means to have a healthy body and mind and how you maintain a healthy lifestyle. 


Erica is the founder of Inspire Balance Coaching for Parents, Teens, and Young Adults. She is a certified Life Coach, with over fifteen years of teaching and coaching experience. Her coaching programs provide parents and girls with valuable insights and realistic strategies for handling the challenges of adolescence. Girls experience an increase in confidence, motivation, and their ability to make thoughtful, self-empowering decisions. Her parenting programs teach effective practices that lead to fewer battles, less frustration, better communication, and more ease and enjoyment in parenting teens and tweens.



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