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Getting the Job Done Right

We all have patterns. You know, the good ones, the patterns we consciously cultivate and the natural ones we keep because they support or inspire us. They just bring us great results, easily. It’s like nature meets the way we nurture ourselves, and our lives are a big high five in the middle of the street with a pal. We’re in sync. We’re in the zone.

Stuck in the cycle of busy hoping that one day there will be time for your and what you want?

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It’s a precious state that happens after the work is done, and we are content. We are happy, satisfied, and things just click into place. Some people call this “flow.” You’ll have your own word for it, but if you don’t, pause here and choose one. You can borrow the zone or the flow, but make this feeling yours. Own it; you’ve earned it. This word, this state, with all it’s shiny details, is you being you. 

Give it a name. As another example, my own words are “sweet spot.” 

And… but… insert record scratch sound effect here… we’re in that no man’s land of the year, where the days stretch out long and weird between fresh snow and in-like-a-lioness. At least that’s how I feel. It’s too cold in my glass studio to make beads, grrrarr. I know I wrote last month that there are “no mistakes in glass”, but now I’m in my studio prepping and preening the next ideas. That feels like a mistake! My studio is never so clean and beautiful as it is this time of year, but I can’t execute those ideas “right here, right now.” I’m getting edgy. I’m looking for a hit, so I head over to social media to see what’s happening. 

You know that feeling, too. It’s also natural! It’s curiosity and action. The “job” part of life is to figure out how to innovate, how to make the things that we think and feel come to life with an action. Social media is a substitute for action – like aspartame is to sugar. It feels great in the moment, and satisfies the mind’s desire for something sweet, so we feel like we’ve completed the desire. Ignoring the side-effects of aspartame, at face value, the sugar craving is gone. We’ve experienced an action.

I’m lucky, I have friends all over the world, broad interests, and a delicious sense of humor. It doesn’t take long at all for me to feel that feeling of happiness. My raw and keen interest is satisfied and I’m feeling inspired and connected. I have achieved that instant gratification I was looking for in my studio. I feel like I’ve done something creative. My mind is a fresh clean palate and I have forgotten for an entire hour that I was feeling frustrated, and I think bored? This is kind of a new feeling for me, so I’m just coming to recognize it. I’m not even really sure what is driving it, so my mind is open and ripe to suggestion. 

Again, ignore the side effects and negative assessment of social media, just see it here as the raw provider of options or completions to my own creative impulse. Just imagine me there in the middle of no man’s land, having left the sweet spot in my studio, unable to really qualify what I was looking for, and if I’m honest, I’m really looking for the solution to this new feeling of maybe-boredom. 

Remember, I’m really lucky. One of those worldly and interesting people in my network posted the meme of Steve Jobs’s last words. Ignoring one more time a debate about the facts, this meme was the exact reflection I needed. I actually got the big picture solution to the worry I am feeling about this thing called boredom. Like you, I’ve achieved a lot in the past few months, and boredom doesn’t really feel right. It feels like I want let go of the sweet spot feeling to fix something that isn’t broken.  

You will likely know this meme yourself, but here it is in its entirety. My wish for you is that it satisfies that part of you that’s looking for something special to inspire an action. I expect this will be that social media hit-home you’re looking for at this time of the year.

Steve Jobs died a billionaire at 56 years old, of pancreatic cancer. Here are his last words on his sick bed:

“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is the epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I have become accustomed to. 

At this moment, lying sick in bed, and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I tool pride in, pale and become meaningless in the face of my impending death.

You can employ someone to drive the car for you, or make money for you, but you cannot have someone bear your sickness for you. Material things get lost and can be found. The one thing that can never be found again after it is lost, is life.”

The invitation here is to spend time with some curated media that has the power to exactly reflect what we are all feeling – in so many ways. You will come to your own conclusions about what the details mean (or don’t mean) to you, but read this a few times. It would be great to walk around for a few days with this on the back burner in your mind.

Get open.

This is the time, here in the no man’s land of the year, to ask yourself these questions:

How long can I enjoy the sweetness of my own beautiful life, all that I have and all that I have created, before I throw myself into cultivating the next big thing in my life?

How long can you let yourself be in that sweet spot of success before you reach for a hit of what’s next?

We are in the throws of an actual epoch, and we have the gift of knowing this “right here, right now.” If you were to die today, would you be satisfied? Could you allow that?

Are you getting the dream job of living done right?

It’s important. Your entire life is the sweet spot. 


Welcome!  I’m Adrienne.  I am a skier, a Homeopath, and a glass artist.  Life itself is my first love.  

Wherever I am, I am governed by a thirst for experience, fearlessness, exploration and the incredible feeling of freedom.  That place travels with me.  In fact, I am pretty sure it is me.  Or, maybe it is just my pleasure to give this cocktail of energies big legs and a giant smile.



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