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healthy fats salad

HEALTHY FATS? Is this real? YES!

healthy fats salad

Do you avoid fat like the plague? Do you look for ‘low fat’ and/or ‘non fat’ when purchasing packaged foods?  You may be one of those people who does not believe that healthy fats are a real thing.

If so, hang on tight ’cause I’m gonna shed some serious light on this topic that will hopefully have you rethinking your fat intake situation.

First, let’s talk about information we were told for many years that led to the low fat/non fat craze.

Decades ago we were taught that fat in our food contributes to obesity and cardiovascular disease. We now know this info to be untrue, for the most part. Unhealthy fats are the culprits here! Healthy fats do NOT contribute to these health issues!

The truth is there’s a difference between all the fats out there, and it’s the unhealthy fats that contribute to poor health, obesity and cardiovascular issues.

However, healthy fats are a MUST in our diet for great health.

Don’t have the time to read? Head here to listen to the podcast episode.


It would be very easy if we could just clump everything fat related into one category, but we can’t. Which is part of the problem with the low fat/non fat craze. It taught us that all fat is bad.

So let’s clarify the difference here!

Unhealthy fats consist of things like hydrogenated, trans, ultra processed, man-made, fake fats. 

Think margarine. These fats are high in PRO-inflammatory omega 6 fats. Humans need some omega 6 fats, but we get far too many! The ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats should be about 1:1; however, most of us are getting 20:1. 

When healthy fats are removed from products, they don’t taste that great. To make up for that, manufacturers add sugar. There’s a lot of new research coming out that sugar is the biggest culprit behind cardiovascular issues.

We also know that the sugar industry is partly at fault for the low fat/non fat diet craze. False research conducted by the sugar industry itself shifted blame of poor health from sugar to fat.

Because I have a sweet tooth, I know how hard it can be to kick a sugar habit which is why I created this 5 step worksheet to help you do just that.

Healthy fats consist of everything that Mother Nature has given us like animal products, avocados, nuts and seeds and wild caught fish. These fats are ANTI-inflammatory omega 3 fats.


  • The brain is 60% fat. We see so many issues with brains these days…depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, MS, Parkinsons, etc. Of course, not consuming enough fat isn’t the only reason why so many people are experiencing these issues (at this point studies are inconclusive) but it may be a factor.
  • Healthy skin. Our skin needs healthy fat in order to be moist, elastic, and plump. It’s best to consume the healthy fats rather than putting them on our skin. 
  • Hormone balance. Healthy fats are necessary for hormone production. Hormones control almost every bodily function. Some things we can experience as a result of hormone imbalance are PMS, menopause, infertility, fatigue, depression, anxiety, thyroid issues, hair loss, weight gain, blood sugar imbalance, low libido, brain fog, mood swings and more.
  • Fat soluble vitamin absorption. Vitamin D, A, E, K are some fat soluble vitamins. As a former Psych RN many patients I saw were deficient in Vitamin D which is linked to depression. We need healthy fats in order to use such vitamins. So if you take a vitamin D supplement but continue to avoid fat, you’re not getting the full benefit.
  • Basic cell function. Every cell in our body needs healthy fat. The membranes of each cell are partially made of fat. How can we expect to have good health if our cells are lacking something so important? Some of the first signs of poor cellular function are low energy and weak immune system. I also find it interesting that diet’s with the right fats are known to starve cancer cells. Buy Travis Christofferson’s ground-breaking book HERE!
  • Helps us feel full. Healthy fats satiate us and stabilize our blood sugar. If you find yourself wanting to snack often because you don’t feel full or because your blood sugar crashes, add some healthy fats to your diet. I’m thinking Avocado Toast! Check out this article from our own PLW contributor Lisa Bayorek with some delish toast toppers!
  • Promotes good gut health. Good gut health is extremely important to good overall health. So many of us have leaky guts which lead to inflammation, autoimmune issues, a weak immune system, mental health issues, brain fog and more. Healthy fats help to heal and protect our gut. I go into more detail about the importance of good gut health here.


Coconut Oil


Wild Caught Salmon

Some fish oil supplements


Olive Oil

Butter/Ghee from grass fed cows

Some Dairy (if you can tolerate)

Grass fed/Pasture raised animal products


Vegetable oils (soybean, canola, cottonseed)

Conventionally farmed animal products

Farm raised fish

Packaged foods

Rancid fish oil supplements


If you scour the internet for a specific amount of healthy fats to consume, you’ll be hard pressed to find it. Many of the articles I found stated anywhere from 20-35% of our diet should consist of fats; however, those same articles still also quoted the old misinformation from the 1960s that I debunked above.

While we used to have a RDA (recommended daily amount) of fat, that is no longer the case. In 2015, US dietary guidelines advisory committee lifted that RDA restriction.

What I often tell my clients is have healthy fats at every meal to start. Listen to your body. Experiencing more energy is often one of the first signs of getting a good amount of fat. If you still feel sluggish, eat more.


Sautee veggies in avocado oil, coconut oil, or butter. 

Eat an organic apple or banana with peanut butter. 

Have salmon for dinner. 

Add chia or flax seeds to a whole milk grass fed plain yogurt.

I know it can be tough to start to consume healthy fats with all the misinformation we were given over so many years. 

My hope is that now that you’re armed with the info that the right fats are a must for good health, it will ease your fears and you will feel more comfortable adding them into your daily diet.

Your challenge is to avoid ‘low fat’ ‘non fat’ because it’s almost guaranteed to be unhealthy and to add healthy fats to EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL.

Share your fave healthy fat and how you incorporate into your diet below. AND on our PLW Instagram and Facebook pages!

As we know better, we do better –


Brianne Pruitt is a wife, mom, Registered Nurse and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. After winning the battle with her own brain fog, Bri became passionate about guiding mom’s through the journey of busting their brain fog so that they can be the energetic, happy mama they crave to be.

You can also find Bri on the following social media platforms:



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