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You are doing everything right for your health – or so you think. You watch what you eat, you exercise,  and you do what you can to have a balanced life. Life is good. But if you’re not paying attention to your environment, all of that hard work is just making your body work harder than it needs to.

The environment is making a bigger impact on their health than most people realize. There are significant health and social benefits to living a clean, green, sustainable life.

the individual benefits, the larger environmental benefits, and the social responsibility. 


By living a clean, green, sustainable life all of your efforts to lead a happy, healthy life aren’t being thwarted by a heavy chemical body burden. The chemical body burden is the level of chemical residues that can be found in a person’s urine, blood, and breast milk. Most people don’t even know that they have it (all of us do, to one extent or another), what it is, or have bothered to have it measured. Everything in your environment has an effect on your health, When your environment is clean your body will be able to respond optimally to all of your healthy eating and exercise. That’s the individual benefits side of the puzzle.


Another piece of the clean, green, sustainable living puzzle is the environmental benefits. I am not talking about just eating organic or producing less waste (which both have a huge impact on human health). We’re talking about the big picture here, where what we choose to do impacts not only our immediate environment, but the global environment too. This is about being the change that you wish to see in the world, one little step at a time. 

The hard part about it is that it can be difficult, if not impossible to know what is affecting you or how to fix it. It can also be overwhelming because once you see one toxin, you begin to see toxins everywhere, all the time. It’s enough to make you throw your hands up in the air and just give up. But take heart, everyone has to start somewhere. In fact, my mother always says that the best place to start is at the beginning and she’s not wrong. Taking it one step at a time makes it so much easier and not nearly as overwhelming.  If you need someone to guide you through this, I am here to help! You can contact me here.


The other puzzle piece is social responsibility, which is why I do what I do. I know that trying to look at the individual pieces and the bigger picture is not easy. That’s where I come in. I help you set up a step-by-step, strategic plan to clean up your environment and live a more sustainable lifestyle.

We’re a team, because that’s really the only way to create the bigger impact that is needed to ensure that everyone is healthier. But it has to start with one person, and that person is you, or me, or your friend next door. When we realize that our choices don’t only affect ourselves, but those that we love, our neighborhood, our town, and our world, it empowers us to make the necessary changes. It’s working on the micro-level (where we see the most immediate benefits) to affect the macro-level. 

My mother says the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. That’s how I approach being the change I wish to see in the world, one client at a time, one home at a time, one friend at a time. If I can help someone realize that their choice of something as random as flooring or soap affects not only their health, but the health of someone they love that lives on the other side of the country, then I’m happy. Yes, it’s a total paradigm shift and it may not be easy, but it is simple. And the good thing is that once you really get it, the rest comes pretty easily. That’s about as sustainable as you can get. 

Reach out for help getting started! I love new clients!

Here’s to Your Clean, Green, Sustainable Health!


Tatia Elizabeth Childers is a certified sustainability consultant, radical homemaker, unschooler, doTERRA wellness advocate, and homesteader. She is also the admin for Toward Zero Waste Haywood County, NC Facebook group. Her background in alternative and natural medicine, preparedness, self-reliance, environmental science, and domestic history are the backbone of her life of zero-waste, sustainability, non-consumerism, and environmental responsibility. She has studied environmental issues, natural medicine, preparedness, and domestic history for the better part of 30 years and it is her journey to share the knowledge of how the health of one’s environment affects human health with her community. She offers classes, workshops, presentations, and courses on a variety of subjects that is she is passionate about, as well as consultations and mentorships. She is the mother of 4, plus one bonus son. She is married to her beloved, a retired Navy veteran and on the board of a local non-profit, Women of Waynesville. She received her BA in health & wellness with an emphasis on environmental science and domestic history from Purdue Global University in 2019. She can be reached at or

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sorting recycling

It’s no secret why recycling is important and that a little difference can for a long way. Our resident sustainable blogger, Tatia Childers has put together her 12 R’s of Recycling to help you get started and hone your recycling skills!

CLICK the button to receive your free 12 R’s of Recycling Booklet to help you reduce, reuse and recycle with ease.


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