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online etiquette


online etiquette

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic our world rapidly changed. During quarantine people talked about Zooming, connecting virtually, and hosting online classes like never before. Most of our world has turned digital; school, gyms, events, and yes yoga studios. This is why online etiquette is more important than ever!

As a yoga studio and spa founder myself, I shifted my members to our virtual, on-demand yoga studio so that they would immediately receive access to daily yoga. Within two days of closing my bricks-and-mortar studio in the wake of the pandemic I began offering a structured schedule of live, virtual yoga classes! And my students love it!

RELATED: The Best Online Yoga Studios to Try Now

Discover laughter yoga therapy with Brittney Hiller‘s Beginner’s Guide to Laughter Yoga.

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Online Etiquette Tip #1: Before you “GO LIVE”   Check your space before going live. When the participants in a class have poor lighting, and/ or cluttered backgrounds, it is distracting to both the instructor and the other participants. This is especially true in fitness classes where the instructor is using her view of you to check your body posture and alignment. Here are a few tips on how to create an inviting virtual space:

  • It is best to do a trial run before tuning in. 
  • Set up your camera so that it may be easily adjusted if need be or have it in place so that you are easily seen. 
  • Create a background that is free of distractions. Personally, I have a decorated corner with clean light that allows for a clear image of my face. 
  • As a participant in a virtual class, it is best to have a clean setup, especially if you choose (or if it’s required) to have your camera on. 
  •  If you need to readjust your camera position, it is best to turn your camera off if you are already logged in to the meeting.  This will assist in preventing distractions. 

Online Etiquette Tip #2: Understand Your Instructors’ Rules for Conduct Most instructors set-up a place where you can read their rules for their classes.  It’s interesting that often people do not behave in a virtual class as they would in an in-person class. Remember, if the class you are taking is live, everyone can see you! Here are some things to look for in particular:

  • Note if the instructor wants everyone to have their microphones on mute during the class. This is especially common in fitness and yoga classes.
  • If you have noise distractions in the background – barking dogs, children, etc. – you may want to leave your microphone muted for the entire class. Check with your instructor about her preferences for this.
  • Some Instructors will also want videos to be off.  As a host I emphasize the importance of this; I want to create a safe space for my attendees so that their first experience with me is a positive one.  Be aware of the instructor’s guidelines for when the students should turn their video feeds on.

RELATED: My Effervescence Virtual Studio Creation Course for Instructors

 Online Etiquette Tip #3: Showing up for a class/meeting Showing up without interruption is important.  Imagine you are entering a physical meeting space, such as a church service, or yoga class when it has already begun.  Just like when we are entering a physical space, as we enter a virtual class we want to enter silently. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Try to be on-time. It is distracting to the instructor and the other students when people are popping onto their screens throughout a class.
  • If being a little late is unavoidable, prior to entering, check your settings. If possible, turn off your audio and video before entering the virtual space. This will allow you to enter and see if it is acceptable to turn your video or audio on.  With this option you will enter quietly and offer the host the opportunity to continue on as if nothing has happened.  
  • Have prior knowledge of if your instructor is recording the class. Some instructors do not allow late entry if they are recording.  Or, they may have specific rules for late entry if they are recording. 

The world of virtual learning can be a joyous experience because it allows us to connect and celebrate. When we all use these easy online etiquette tips it allows it to be joyous for everyone!

Now that you are all set with your knowledge of online etiquette for virtual classes, try out my DIY at-home yoga retreat! 

You may join us for virtual yoga, meditation and wellness classes to use during your DIY Yoga Retreat and beyond 🙂  ENTER EFFERVESCENCE ONLINE WELLNESS CENTER HERE.

To YOUR Effervescent Life!



Brittney is the creator of the Effervescence Yoga brand and the owner of Effervescense Yoga Spa in the beautiful resort town of Beaufort, South Carolina. Brittney is passionate about leading a life full of laughter and joy! That is why she is also a certificated laughter yoga teacher & laughter yoga leadership trainer. She is also a Follow-Your-Passion Coach and the producer and head talent of Flowcountry, the Lowcountry’s only streaming yoga show!



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