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Self-care isn't selfish

Investing in Your Future Self: How to Plan for Self-Care

It can be really easy to get caught up in the day-to-day craziness of life and not take the time you need to recharge. And even though it is part of the formula that I teach, I get caught sometimes too. So this year, I vowed not to get caught up and I planned some amazing self-care at the beginning of the year, so that I know it’s on the calendar and I’ve got a lot to look forward to. I’m sharing the strategies I used to plan for self-care so that you can use them in your own life!

Why is it important to plan for self-care?

If you aren’t approaching life with intention, time can slip past before you even know it. It’s my kiddo’s last year at home before he goes off to college, and we’re going to make the most of it. At this time in my life, spending time with my son is at the top of my self-care list (and his). Strengthening connections with loved ones is an important form of self-care, and we’re investing in our relationship now so that even when he’s away, we’ll know that we have a strong bond. 

Self-care priorities look different for everyone. Maybe in your life, making time to be alone is a bigger priority than time with family or friends. You may find that the self-care practices that enrich your life most are physical, emotional, or even spiritual. Find the self-care that works best for you, and get intentional about planning it into your lifestyle.

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So how can you plan for self-care in your life?

Once you’ve identified the kind of self-care that makes your heart sing, it’s time to get more specific. Think about the activities and habits that fall into those categories and make sense for your life.

My kiddo and I both love to travel, so one of the things I did is to book a trip to Italy for a cooking retreat, which will be amazing mother-son time (not to mention the great food, wine, and recharging time). As a family, we’re taking a cruise to the Bahamas the first week in March (by the time you read this, we’ll have gone and come back). These are self-care investments that work for our lives.

But you don’t have to plan extravagant vacations to have self-care time. Your number-one goal should always be to find what works for you. It can be as simple as putting a block of time in your schedule every day to read your favorite book or take a walk (I always find that I solve my most complex problems when I’m out for a walk). Sometimes it can be locking yourself in the bathroom for two minutes and breathing (or screaming – whatever works for you). If you aren’t sure what self-care practices will fit your life and benefit you most, brainstorm with a friend or family member. I find that sometimes, they can see what you need even more than you can.

And how can you stay consistent?

Identifying your ideal self-care practices is only the first step. Once you know what you need and how you can get there, it’s time to make a plan to implement self-care into your life. When you plan for self-care, you need to get specific.

How often can you fit your self-care practice into your life? If it’s a large-scale practice, like traveling abroad, it may only be once or twice a year. Or maybe, if it fits your lifestyle, you want to plan to travel once per quarter, or even once per month. Perhaps traveling abroad is less attainable, so you’ll plan to travel locally every quarter and find other options to add to your list.

On the other hand, if you are implementing smaller-scale practices like taking walks or reading a book, schedule time on specific days of the week – or even every day! 

When you plan for self-care through smaller-scale practices, it’s especially important to create a schedule that you can stick with. Do you want to take a walk before you start your day? If so, you will need to plan to get out of bed earlier. If you want to read a chapter of a book every day, will you read it during your lunch break, or as you’re winding down for bed at night?

I often find that with these daily or weekly habits, blocking off time on my calendar is the best way to ensure that my plans don’t get interrupted by someone/something else. And it’s always a good idea to set alarms to remind yourself to keep up with it.

Sticking with It

So how do you create a plan for self-care that you can stick to? Set goals, and take it one day at a time! Focus on 1% improvement every day.

You’ll also find it easier to plan for self-care when you have an accountability partner. It can be a spouse, a friend, or your coach. Just tell someone what you have planned and invite them to check in on your self-care journey (or even take that journey with you)!

Now that you have these tools and strategies, you’re ready to start your personal self-care journey! If you need a little extra help, think about it this way: Take all the same strategies that you use to ensure your meal prep is on point, and apply those to your self-care. Your future self will thank you!

Do your 2023 self-care goals include taking back control of your health? Join my free group – Never Diet Again!


Dawn McGee is a certified and licensed Nutrition Evangelist and a long-time foodie, she focuses on both the health and joy of food as fuel for your body. She is a driving force in bringing education on healthy eating to more people through her community, my “Reclaim Your Life, One Bite at a Time” programs, and my book “365 Days of Healthy Living”.  Her hope for you is that you live a life you love, without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up your glass



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