FRIENDS ~Before I jump into the nitty-gritty of this post, I want you to know that when I give tough love – it comes straight from my heart. When I say, “raise your healthy living standards,” I mean it as motivation and I say it with support.
I want you and your family to be happy & healthy plus live your dream mom life. That is my goal 🙂
How To Know if You Need to Raise Your Healthy Living Standards

If you don’t have time to read, listen to the podcast episode here.
We’re settling for low standards! And it shows in how messed up our health is.
I can’t even remember how many times I’ve said and heard others say something like “well at least I don’t have it as bad as so and so” or “eating this is kinda better than eating that right?”
For me, I don’t “kinda sorta” want to be healthy. I don’t want to barely be in a better place than others are.
That’s settling. That’s having very low standards or no standards for our health and the quality of our life.
I feel that there are a couple of reasons why this is the ‘norm’ these days.
The Reasons for Our Low Standards
- Western Medicine – First there is a time and a place. However, we are way to reliant on this fairly new system that was developed in large part by pharmaceutical companies. Over time we’ve been taught that we have no control of our health. It’s up to luck or our genetic makeup and we’re the victim, the innocent bystander. Woe is us. And we don’t have a degree so what the heck do we know about “health.”
- We have been taught that our health will fail at some point. Like it’s just inevitable. So why even try to live a healthy lifestyle if it’s just not even possible?
- We are so flippin’ busy and stressed out and overwhelmed with all the things, that WE are our last priority.
- We’ve relinquished control. I’ve met so many people over the years, especially when I was a practicing nurse, who truly felt that it was easier to suffer than it was to make some changes.
- We are amazing at adapting. Which means we may not even realize how crummy we feel because any changes in our health tend to come on gradually. Bit by bit we adapt. It just becomes a part of our life.
‘Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel’
Kevin Mark Trudeau
This is so true and it makes me sad. Helping you know how AWESOME your body is designed to feel is my mission as a health coach.
My Questions for You
I have some questions I want to ask and would love if you really thought about these. These will shed some major light on whether you have low standards for your quality of life or not:
- Are you excited for the day when you wake up?
- Do you love your life?
- Do you know how good your body is designed to feel? And are you feeling and experiencing that?
- Do you have hope and feel in control of the future of your health (and your family’s)?
If you didn’t answer HECK YES to each of those, then you’re settling.
Our life and our health can only be as good as our expectations.
Here’s an easy exercise to start to really raise your expectations. Go back through those questions I asked and think, journal and talk about what it will take for you to answer HECK YES. What does that even look like?
Because I raised my healthy living standards, I feel amazing and my health is better than it has ever been! But, I feel like there is still room for improvement. I want to know first hand how great my body is designed to feel.
And this fuels every choice I make, not only for myself but for my whole family! I want the same for them.
It fuels my choices as a health coach because I want the same for you too!
You don’t have to sit on the struggle bus every day. And it doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming to turn things around, to raise your expectations and then to start to live accordingly.
Once you start to raise your expectations and get clear on what your amazing life and health looks like, take action!
To Your Amazing Health!

Brianne Pruitt is a wife, mom, Registered Nurse and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. After winning the battle with her own brain fog, Bri became passionate about guiding mom’s through the journey of busting their brain fog so that they can be the energetic, happy mama they crave to be. www.hippiedippiemom.com
You can also find Bri on the following social media platforms: