Have you ever felt stuck in someone else’s negative energy?
Now, before I get to woo-woo on you, let me briefly explain.
When you enter a room, have you ever felt a negative or heavy feeling? It’s as if you could sense that someone was in a bad mood and radiating negativity. These things often leave us feeling like we don’t know what to do next.
I wonder, when you left the room, did you allow that feeling to let go or did you find yourself holding on to it?
Sometimes, when we have an altercation with others we may carry it within us for days, weeks, or decades.
RELATED POST: How to Practice Healthy Detachment
I invite you to listen in as I share how to release negative energy and feelings by using a visualization technique known as cord cutting. This technique will relieve you of heavy negative energy that you may have accumulated over the years.
Meditation is powerful!
A cord cutting meditation offers you even more power as you get specific in letting go of that which no longer serves you or requires your attention.
RELATED POST: The Art of Intentional Meditation
Brittney is the creator of the Effervescence Yoga brand and the owner of Effervescense Yoga Spa in the beautiful resort town of Beaufort, South Carolina. Brittney is passionate about leading a life full of laughter and joy! That is why she is also a certificated laughter yoga teacher & laughter yoga leadership trainer. She is also a Follow-Your-Passion Coach and the producer and head talent of Flowcountry, the Lowcountry’s only streaming yoga show!