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Sagittarius Season: The Element of Mutable Fire

Autumn is coming to an end, and winter is approaching quickly. Sagittarius Icon

Description automatically generated, also known as Mutable Fire Shape

Description automatically generated, represents our final journey through the fire Shape

Description automatically generated element.. On its own, the element of fire Shape

Description automatically generated indicates transformation via action. As it becomes malleable, the element of heat is introduced. It represents the warmth we bring into both our homes and our hearts. 

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Sagittarius Icon

Description automatically generated is all about the experience and from November 22nd to December 21st, is a time when we begin to explore larger life questions. Sure, we may keep learning; after all, knowledge is power, but there comes a point when you must apply what you’ve learned. This occurred to me as we were on This Trip Around the Sun together.  These posts were never intended to teach you astrology. When I started writing these blogs, I wanted to create a space where everything came together for the sake of self-care. As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without. Urging you to take a step back and consider the bigger picture.  To realize that you are a part of something greater. 

We are constantly tuned in to the rhythms of nature in a variety of ways. Humans are, for example, aware of the body’s circadian rhythm, which occurs every 24 hours. And, much like the seasons, our days here on Earth have a beginning and end; I say this not to upset you, but to act as a personal public service announcement. Winter is on its way, no matter how well prepared we are…The elements can teach us a lot about ourselves. Of course, I could sit here and regurgitate facts on the elements, but there’s a lot more to it than that. It’s about enjoying the journey you’re on. With that in mind, it’s time to connect with your higher self, which understands what’s important to you. 

Related Post: Leo: The Element of Fixed Fire – Let it Burn

Since the beginning of time, fire Shape

Description automatically generated has been a constant. Sagittarius Icon

Description automatically generated is associated with the warmth of the fire Shape

Description automatically generated. As we complete this cycle of our trip, we come to a final realization. Have you taken a step back and considered the wider picture? What is it all for, and most importantly, who is it for?  

As I already stated, my word for the year is try. As I go on this leg of my journey, I’m asking myself, “Does this bring value to my life?” 

In a recent piece, Gemini A picture containing text, seat

Description automatically generated or Mutable Air Icon

Description automatically generated, I explored how I have been a victim of self-sabotage. But as I began to ponder the bigger life questions, a new viewpoint started to emerge. I had the feeling that perhaps I was asking the incorrect questions. When I first started writing about Sagittarius Icon

Description automatically generated, I was writing it from the perspective of what was going on around me rather than what was going on within me. So I sat at my computer, trying to figure out how to get the magic formula onto the page. Then it dawned on me that I had been ignoring my own advice!

I was attempting to use knowledge rather than experience in this situation. Don’t get me wrong: knowledge is a valuable asset. For those in the back row, I’ll say it again, Knowledge is Power. “With great power comes great responsibility,” as Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man, explains. However, I’m not talking about knowledge; I’m talking about wisdom. Which is, in this case, how we apply our knowledge. 

So how do you share your love and warmth with the rest of the world? One thing is certain: begrudgingly is not the answer. So I gathered my belongings, which included, of course, the essentials. Id, keys, water, and a steel-tongued drum… and I headed to the river.  It was almost as though the words began to flow as soon as I started walking.

No matter how much data you collect, there are some things that data can’t measure. Love, the value of life, and creativity, to mention a few. I started to value everything in my environment as I became more self-aware. Like the older gentleman who skated through the skate park with his friend, as he reminisced about his childhood, saying, “I used to rock and roll in here.” The older ladies who giggled as they found enjoyment in their tennis game. And then there was the old man who, although slowly, walked along the riverbank, adding richness to the scene. I must have spent hours sitting by the river, playing music and taking in the beauty and sounds of nature.

As you can see, the things mentioned above add a great deal of meaning to my life and make me feel fulfilled. I’m rediscovering my artistic side on a number of different levels. It’s difficult to put into words the sense of clarity and joy I experience when I’m doing what I love. Now, I’m not implying that what I’m doing to heal myself is a wash, rinse, and repeat procedure for you. I’m asking you to take a step back and consider the whole picture, to ask yourself what adds worth to your life, and then to do something about it. Pique your interest, fuel your fire Shape

Description automatically generated, and share your warmth. That is the wisdom I needed to learn from Mother Nature. 

Through transition, Sagittarius Icon

Description automatically generated assists us in focusing on connection. As I already stated, it makes no difference what got you here. To benefit from these Educational Offerings, I am not asking you to divulge your deepest or darkest secrets. I’m simply requesting that you learn to deal with them. Your secrets, as always, are safe with you.  

Working with the elements has fundamentally changed how I travel. Life is a series of trips around the sun. If you’re interested in learning more about this season, Mutable Fire Shape

Description automatically generated, and how it’s affecting your trip, go to for more information 


Selina Bragg-Pastian: I became a student of the Arts in my childhood. A student of the cosmos in my teens. An educator of nutrition in my 20’s. An educator of the arts in my 30’s. A Kundalini Reiki practitioner in my 40’s. I am a lifelong learner. Newly discovering that all the while I have been cultivating my path. Combining all of my past teachings of Art, Nutrition, the Stars and Energy Work to create a self-care offering that uses nature as a modality. A realization that truly helped me reconnect to Nature and learn to Nurture myself.



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