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woman at beach at sunset

The Canadian Hot Hot Heat

It’s getting hot in here! Last month we hung out in my cool studio and admired our beautiful homes. I bragged about how it’s the coolest place in my house, so I move into that space for most of the summer months to eat, sleep, yoga, create, and… repeat. Well, it’s July, and we are cooking with the Canadian hot, hot heat! No one believes us, but it’s the truth up here! 

I’ll be honest, this is my least favourite time of year. I’ve been doing snow dances in my darkened backyard for 10 days now. That’s the truth boiled down to it’s cute tank tops and cut off jeans. But also, true to form, I use it to my advantage; I roll it into a positive. I’m part of the Busy Mom Tribe here, after all, so I have to represent! 

My goal this month, with our time together, is to create a way for us to be cool as cucumbers, so we can laze around enjoying ourselves, and the hot hot heat just becomes one of those great Canadian indie bands I like to share around.

Go ahead! Google them! You’ll be glad you did. Here’s a quick hit: 

I’d also love to invite you over for something cool and punchy, but in keeping with our growing virtual awesomeness, you’ll have to join me only in spirit. While you are dancing around to Hot Hot Heat in The Middle of Nowhere (ha!), go ahead, also, and pour yourself something cool and refreshing. Whatever your poison! This month we’re working on that very potent poison called:

Not Planning Ahead.

Sound familiar? Oh yeah, you know it. I know it too. It’s pretty fancy, alright. I’ve got a weird bowl of it in the back of my fridge from way back in May, when the weather was just absolutely perfect, and I found myself burning the candle at both ends cranking out fifty pairs of glass earrings in two days. Of course, the first art show of the year was in my calendar, clear as a bell on a Saturday, but I’m somehow more comfortable behind the eight ball.

But, wait, am I really? Do I really find that kind of pressure comfortable and enjoyable?

The earrings were fabulous, and it was a great show, but the truth is, I was really annoyed with myself. I had forgotten about the art show, but only functionally. I knew fine well what weekend it was, because I am – truthfully – very alert to details. Just like the Canadian weather, my outward Type B personality would convince you otherwise, but on the inside, my bones are all Type A, all the time. It’s a bit like that 80’s radio station you never admit you listen to all day. You’re obscure indie, Baby. You’re hot, hot heat.

But are you? Yes, of course you are. Truth is, you’re all of it. You’re state of the art, on time, and racing the eight ball to the finish line. Every time. You’re a Busy Mom. 

Let’s look at a few things that drive these Not Planning Ahead moments. We’ll keep it to the three most basic and simple reasons, so that there is no room for wiggling around. It’s just too hot out, and there is lounging around being fabulous on our calendar later today. 

First, we are all in love with shiny things. It’s in our nature to want to experience more and more and more and more. That’s part of being a modern woman! We have access to so many interesting things. Not having enough time in the day leads us to the second driver, which is scarcity or the fear of missing out. I think that’s actually an unofficial clinical acronym – FOMO. And third, the raw energy produced by the adrenaline cycle really does feel amazing in the moment. We can do more, be more and have more – even if for a limited time only.  This is emotional stuff, so you will have your own unique wild card drivers too, but these are the top three. The way to keep ahead of these unconscious joy cookers, is to just check in with yourself when you decide to do something. It can be driven by any of the things on this list – plus your own – and still be a life-giving experience, if you drive it from a different personal motivator. Ask yourself this:

But what if, you chose instead to let the driver be grounded, satisfied and effortless? How would that change the visible parts of your creative process? What would that even look like in real time? 

How would changing the driver to a positive desired feeling change your health?

What if it could be that simple?

Let’s decide together in our time today, that all of life is a creative process – all of our wants, all of our work, and all of our results. It gets so easy to see the parts that way. When you want something, you will work hard to create the results you feel are ideal. See? Even the words we use to describe how we do things back up the logic behind our best laid plans. 

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What would happen to your holistic creative process if you decided to let the driver be the energy you want to feel every day, while you do the things you consciously choose to do? It’s a hot topic, these days. How do you want to feel? Borrow my example:

What change would you suggest in my creative process that would help me have a better experience? I might have a lot of fancy credentials, and I’ll be you do too, but at the end of the day, we are all Busy Moms. We love life, and there are plenty of things we want to do! 

How could we do a better job of crafting a new collective culture where we get to enjoy the things we choose to do? 

It starts with stripping things down to the bare essentials, the cool essentials, that is. Strip the hot hot heat of overwhelm down to its cute tank top and cut off jeans. It’s hot out there, and together we are learning how to be made in the shade!

What are your plans for the rest of the Summer? Better yet, what fantastic things are you cooking up for the Fall? The truth is, you already know, and you’re looking forward to it. Wouldn’t it be fabulous if you enjoyed every living moment of it?


Welcome!  I’m Adrienne.  I am a skier, a Homeopath, and a glass artist.  Life itself is my first love.  

Wherever I am, I am governed by a thirst for experience, fearlessness, exploration and the incredible feeling of freedom.  That place travels with me.  In fact, I am pretty sure it is me.  Or, maybe it is just my pleasure to give this cocktail of energies big legs and a giant smile.



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