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The Fun of At-Home Yoga With Dogs

In honor of National Puppy Day (March 23rd), I thought it would be fun to share my personal tips for you on how to practice at-home yoga with dogs and cats. 

I understand not all pets are created equal, and that some may be a little more crazy than others. But let me assure you  – it is still possible!

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My dog, Abby is a Chocolate Lab/Spaniel mix. As a puppy, along with my Boston Terrier/Chihuahua mix, Armani, they would not let me practice without interruption. 

Visit an adorable example on my Facebook page here.

When I finally came to the conclusion that this was going to take place regardless of what I did, I began to create a system. This system was created so that I could take my dogs to my yoga classes that I teach at my studio, Effervescence YogaSpa.

The system I will share with you today is not complex, requires little work (only patience), and eventually works without having to use the equipment you will use in the beginning. 

I now enjoy taking my dog, Abby, to work with me, and she sits quietly still while I teach yoga. 

Here is my system to help you practice yoga with dogs or cats. 

Start with a leash

When I first began to train Abby to sit next to me during the yoga class, I put her on her leash. I kept her leash around my ankle or my wrist depending on the poses I was getting into.

Yes, it will take a moment to get used to, but this is training for both us and the pup. Use a long, non-retractable leash. Stay away from retractable leashes when doing this training, as they are not friendly when wrapped around legs or arms.

What I found with Abby is that, eventually, she would tire from attempting to get away from me and lay down. This is an excellent sign that your pup is getting comfortable and no longer feeling the need to grab attention. 

Related Post: Reboot Your Yoga Practice in 3 Easy Steps

Set up a spot for them to lay

One of the things I do to encourage Abby to lay next to me as class starts is have a blanket or her favorite bed next to me.  This is a symbol to her that it is time to relax. Sometimes during class she may get the wild hair to get up and walk around, to which I simply snap my fingers and point to the blanket that it is time to lay back down.

This took a little time for her to get used to. Again, not all dogs are created equally, yet with repetition it is possible. While practicing at home, have their bed set up around you. Let go of the need to try to control them, as our energy will shift into a calm state as we practice. Our dogs will feel this and in turn begin to relax as well. 

Be OK with them interrupting

Just as I stated above, pets will inevitably interrupt your practice from time to time. Yet our reaction to them is what keeps them either interrupting or relaxing.

The first way to get them to quickly become calm and lay next to us is to ignore their interruption. Continue forward and stay focused on your practice and soon your dog will become calm and lay down.  If you stay in the energy of nervousness or excited – so will they.

Celebrate when they listen

It may seem like a no-brainer, but when we give our pups accolades, they will listen more. Now, I am not a professional dog trainer, this is simply my personal experience with my dogs. I have found that with Abby, the more praise I give the more she behaves. When I am joyful, she is joyful, when I am relaxed, she is relaxed, when I am anxious, she is anxious and so on and so forth. When we celebrate the moment they lay down on their spot with a simple pat on their head or “good boy/girl” they tend to stay the course and listen more.

Have FUN with them

I have a client and friend who owns a cat that enjoys joining her during her at-home yoga practice. Every now and then — for attention — he’ll take a little nibble on her arm while she is practicing. Instead of pushing him away hard or locking him up, she simply talks to him, gives him the quick attention he wants with a few gentle pats to the head, and then continues practicing. 

It’s true — our pets may interrupt to the point that we need to stop our practice and then reconnect, but when we add the awareness that we are having fun to the mix, it no longer becomes a problem in our mind.  I have personally utilized Abby as a prop when she decides she wants to lay on my mat during savasana. She makes an excellent bolster. These are precious moments that add even more joy to my practice and of course a great conversation piece when sharing with others that it’s OK to practice yoga alongside your pets. It’s a learning curve, but you will get used to it. The more you include them, the more they will eventually come into a groove of their own.

Abby’s groove is to now lay on the blanket in class (if I don’t have it set up she will follow me around until it is down next to my mat), then she sleeps throughout the entire class until we collectively say “OM” and then it’s open floor time to give puppy kisses galore!

Enjoy this sweet time with your animals and your practice. Allow it to become a fun and memorable experience and with these few tips, you’ll be flowing with your furry friends in no time. 

Want to experience yoga classes on demand where Abby makes multiple appearances? Of course you do 😉 Enroll in Effervescence Yoga On Demand and enjoy 14 days for free. Click on classes with me, Brittney Hiller and enjoy examples of how I flow with my pup. 


Brittney is the creator of the Effervescence Yoga brand and the owner of Effervescense Yoga Spa in the beautiful resort town of Beaufort, South Carolina. Brittney is passionate about leading a life full of laughter and joy! That is why she is also a certificated laughter yoga teacher & laughter yoga leadership trainer. She is also a Follow-Your-Passion Coach and the producer and head talent of Flowcountry, the Lowcountry’s only streaming yoga show!



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