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Three Elements Of Manifestation

Often I hear others talk about manifestation as if it is this simple act, where we ask for what we want to receive in our life and we sit back and wait. Unfortunately, as lovely as that sounds, it is not the case. 

With manifestation, we are creating a reality for ourselves based on our thoughts, actions, and beliefs. This means whether we are actively manifesting or not, we are still in essence, manifesting. 

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The thoughts we create turn into actions within our daily lives and the more thoughts we think over and over again, the more it becomes a belief for us. 

Let’s take a closer look at this perspective. 

#1. Ask To Receive

It is true, if we want something in our life, the best way to receive it is to ask.  Want that raise? Ask your boss. Want that love in your life? Ask someone out on a date. Everything begins with an ask. For some reason we may have been raised with the idea that asking questions is a negative action. Remember the kind message from our parents, “now… don’t ask too many questions, you don’t want to bother so and so”.  I am here to help you rewire that old belief. Ask away my friend. Ask always. Ask for the big, most absurd dreams you could possibly ask for. You may be surprised to learn that the average person isn’t asking big enough. 

When I learned this method myself I realized I was asking far too little than what was possible for me. The reality is we are capable of so much more than what we may initially think. 

I was attending a retreat as an assistant once and learned that weekend that what I was asking to receive when it came to my business was not as large as was actually possible. It was due to the fact that at the time I surrounded myself with people who believed that certain prices for what I offered was the only price we could actually get clients with. When I surrounded myself with people who believed in more, my belief changed to something greater and my ask became greater. My prices went up after that weekend and my clients doubled. It was only because I had not known to ask for more and when I did, my entire life shifted. 

What someone may think is an astronomical ask such as, “I want $10,000 a month” may seem minuscule to others. I wonder, what are you asking for in your life? Share with us in the comments below. Your ask may inspire others to ask as well. 

#2. Belief Is Something That Can Change

We grow up with certain beliefs that are shared with us from those we grow up with around us. As we age, we begin to choose to either continue on the path of those beliefs or we look to learn on our own. As humans we have this amazing ability to choose what we want. We can choose to learn what we want to learn, to be who we want to be, to act how we want to act. This means if life seems difficult and troubling, we can choose to shift in a way that brings in more joy and happiness into our life. 

I began to choose this for myself when I learned Laughter Yoga. I added more laughter into my life and others and from that experience I felt a new zest for life. From that experience I began following the choices that felt good for me in both my mind and body. 

What is a belief you may have that is now outdated for you?

#3 Receive With Gratitude 

When was the last time you received something you truly wanted? When you received it, did you share your gratitude for it? Did you actually say “Thank You”? Thank You to yourself, to the gifter, to the thing you wanted?  Gratitude is the key tool that gives us more in life. The more we look at all we have now in our life through the eyes of gratitude, the more we see all that we have as a gift. We are more likely to feel pure delight and joy. We are less inclined to list the negativity in our life and are more inspired to share the positive aspects of our life. 

Try this out for a week. 

Write down all that you have now in your life and begin it with “I am so grateful now that I have…”

I wonder how you will begin to feel, I wonder what will change for you. 

If you are stuck on your manifesting journey and want to create the life you desire most, pay what you want and receive my manifestation mini-course: MINI COURSE


Brittney is the creator of the Effervescence Yoga brand and the owner of Effervescense Yoga Spa in the beautiful resort town of Beaufort, South Carolina. Brittney is passionate about leading a life full of laughter and joy! That is why she is also a certificated laughter yoga teacher & laughter yoga leadership trainer. She is also a Follow-Your-Passion Coach and the producer and head talent of Flowcountry, the Lowcountry’s only streaming yoga show!



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