Will I ever have abs again?
A phrase I often mumbled to myself after having two babies over two years, in my mid-30’s. Growing up as a gymnast and cheerleader, I never really worried about my physique because I was always training. I could eat what I wanted and my body didn’t change much.

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As I grew older and my metabolism slowed down, I noticed I would gain weight quickly and I certainly couldn’t eat like I used to. Once I had 2 babies back-to-back, I felt like all my muscle definition was gone, like I had to start completely over.
At the age of 35, I started my health & fitness journey. I committed to an at-home fitness & nutrition program that incorporated 30-minute workouts and a simple meal plan that worked for me and my family. I noticed I was getting results within 21 days by alternating cardio and strength workouts, and adding in some core exercises every other day.
In a few short months, my lingering 15 pounds of baby weight was gone. I felt like myself again. I was stronger. I had muscle definition again, and I noticed my core was starting to take shape. I was so excited to find a simple solution that I could do from home as a busy mom working a corporate job.
This new routine was also a great stress reliever. I worked in an office 40+ hours per week, sitting at a desk, or in meetings all day, so movement, proper nutrition and core training became a part of my daily routine.
Are you a new mom whose body has completely changed?
Do you wonder if you will ever feel strong again?
Or, do you find yourself slouching after sitting at a desk all day?
Maybe you hold tension between your shoulders in your upper back?
Do you ever experience low back pain or tightness in your hips?
The answer… You may have a weak core. Incorporating a simple fitness & nutrition plan, in addition to some targeting core work can help you feel strong again too.
Contrary to popular belief, your core is not just your abdominal muscles. Your core consists of all the muscles in your back, abdomen, hips, and pelvis.
Why is building a strong core important?
Our power and strength comes from the core, so building a strong core is crucial. Every day I incorporate a few focused core exercises into my fitness routine so I continue to build strength and improve posture.
Check out these two exercises that target the core. You will feel a total body burn when done properly. Complete each exercise for one minute each.
It’s important to know that core strength will improve over time. You may not be able to hold these poses for a full minute at first. Try to hold for 15 seconds, then build up 15 seconds at a time. One other tip when performing core exercises, don’t forget to breathe. It’s easy to focus on tightening and holding our breath while isolating core muscles, instead try taking deep breaths in through the nose, and out through the mouth.
1. Horizontal Leg Check
2. Boat Hold
Aim to work your core daily, even if it’s only for 2-3 minutes. You can add a quick core routine to your current exercise program. You will soon notice better posture, less back pain, and improved balance too.

Lisa is a 41 year-old mom & wife who lives in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL with her husband Josh, and two boys, Jackson-8, and Hudson-6. She is a fitness fanatic who started her affection for sports at a young age through gymnastics, Volleyball, Track, and Cheerleading.
Lisa is from Lebanon, Indiana where she grew up and went on to Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Allied Health Science and Secondary Education . After graduating college, Lisa moved to Charleston, South Carolina where she started teaching as an adjunct instructor at a community college. She pursued her group fitness certification while teaching at the college and has continued to teach group classes for the past 17 years.
Lisa currently teaches Yoga and Pilates at her community gym and is a Virtual Health Coach who helps pair women with fitness & nutrition plans that fit their lifestyle and budget. When she isn’t coaching, teaching at the gym, or leading a zoom workout, Lisa enjoys traveling with her family and spending time at the beach, or the waterparks in her community.
Lisa is thrilled to join the Peaceful Living Wellness community. She will be sharing some of her favorite workouts & nutrition tips with you.