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I was recently asked by to give my perspective as the owner of a wellness brand, and practicing life-coach, on the question: What would you do with 15 extra minutes of free time?

Because both the Peaceful Living Wellness magazine and Peaceful Living Coaching are dedicated to helping busy women slow down, give themselves some grace and feel more in control of their lives, I rephrased the question for this blog to include the word “extra.”  15 minutes of free-time is usually filled by something our readers and clients feel like they must do – e.g. something on their to-do list. They are busy after all. Being able to tick something off that list during a gap in the normal hectic schedule is usually their go-to.

The idea of “extra” free time will hopefully open up that space for giving themselves some grace. Thinking of it as “extra” allows a person to look at those 15 minutes as a gift. 

So they better not waste it! 

Stuck in the cycle of busy hoping that one day there will be time for your and what you want?

You are not alone. PEACEFUL LIVING COACHING is here to support you!


My answer is still the same whether the question is framed as general free-time, or “extra” free-time:

Take the opportunity to give your body, and more importantly, your brain, a rest!

And yes, our bodies and brains need rest during the day even if we sleep a full 8+ hours at night. In our modern world we are asking our brains to move at a faster pace than ever before. Our brains are keeping track of everything from the 412 pin numbers and passwords we need to remember (okay, I’m exaggerating. It’s probably more like 310) to all of the tasks on our to-do list, to the information we need to answer the 98 emails that somehow populate our inbox every… single… day…

Likewise, we are asking our bodies to keep-up-the-pace, albeit in bits and spurts as we run between our cars, the kids’ schools, our workplace, back to the kids’ schools, the store and then around the kitchen as we desperately try to get a somewhat healthy dinner on the table… you get the picture. 

In addition to our rapid-paced daily routines, Americans are reporting higher-than-ever-before levels of stress and burnout.  Experts explain that this is leftover from the stress of the pandemic combined with the fear and stress-inducing social and political events of the past several years.

It’s no wonder we’re tired!


Experts and general practitioners alike will agree that meditation is very good for you! According to The Mayo Clinic the benefits of meditation include:

  • Significant reduction of stress.
  • Significant reduction of anxiety.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Lower resting heart rate.
  • Better sleep quality.
  • Lower risk of heart disease.
  • Lower risk of stroke.
  • Lower incidence of tension headaches. 

Overall, meditation, through its mind-body connection, gives both the mind and the body a rest.

Most of us know that reducing stress and anxiety is good for our health. But, only roughly 14% of Americans have tried to meditate. Even fewer meditate on a regular basis. The good news is that the number of people meditating is growing every year! 

The even better news is that meditating is much easier than most people think! This is especially true these days with guided meditation apps, tracks on Spotify and Apple Music, and YouTube videos. 

And guess what? According to research conducted by the Chopra Center the optimal health benefits of meditation come from meditating for 15 MINUTES twice a day!  

There you go, what to do with 15 minutes of free-time? Meditate.


When I tell people, “if you can’t or won’t meditate, just vegetate,” they look at me like I’m pulling their leg. 

I can assure you, I am not joking about this! I’m serious.

While teaching yoga and meditation for over a decade I encountered so many people who claimed they, “just can’t meditate,” I lost track of the number. 

I get it! 

Going back to the busy, busy lifestyle I mentioned before, our brains and bodies are attuned to functioning at a rapid pace. In yoga we call this phenomenon “the monkey mind.” When people try to sit still and quiet their thoughts, the mind will often continue to chatter like a monkey in the jungle!


I came-up with the idea of vegetation as something to practice before attempting meditation.  Now, I’m not talking about the kind of vegetation where you are sitting like a lump on the couch binge-watching Netflix (although there is definitely a time and place for that as well).  I’m talking about sitting still, or walking slowly, and letting your mind wander. 

Try this technique on your lunch break or after work:

  • Find a semi-quiet place to sit and relax, preferably outside.
  • Start to look around and take in your surroundings.
  • Engage each of your five senses one at a time: 
    • What do you see?
    • What do you hear?
    • What do you smell?
    • What does your skin feel?
    • Breathing through your mouth, how does the air taste?
  • Start to slow your breath.
    • Deepen your inhale.
    • Lengthen your exhale.
  • Let your mind wander and wonder.
  • When your mind goes to a stressful thought, try to laugh at it and tell it you will get to it later – when you are done vegetating.

For more on the value of vegetation and how it has benefited my life, check out my blog STRESS MANAGEMENT TIPS: THE ART OF VEG OUT TIME


My answer to the question posed to me by the writer, “What would you do with 15 minutes of free time?”  was, “I would meditate OR vegetate!”

For more inspiring answers to the 15 Minutes of Free Time question from experts in the field of stress-management check out the article: Experts Explain What to do With 15 Minutes of Free Time on!

To Your Best Spent Free Time!



Jen Robinson is the creative force behind the wellness brand Peaceful Living Wellness which is dedicated to providing a wide-variety of high-quality wellness information. Jen is also the creator of the Peaceful Living Wellness life coaching division, and offers workshops, individual and group coaching as well as retreats where she guides women in using Mindfulness and Mindset to build their inner strength on a foundation of inner peace.  Jen also is the co-creator of the business coaching brand CEO Mindset that guides entrepreneurs in building their businesses without burning out.  

The latest addition to her repertoire is that she recently signed-on as the Wellness Director for the business development company Wealthy Women Entrepreneurs .  She is very excited to be leading this group of dynamic women entrepreneurs into success in their businesses and lives!  

The most important part of Jen’s life are her two very active teenagers, AJ & Layna! 

Jen’s Mindfulness and Mindset techniques inform her business, her parenting and her life!



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