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Halloween is just around the corner! Can you even believe it?? 2020 has been a year for the books in MANY ways—including the fact that because of all the external stressors we’re facing, many of us have fallen victim to stress eating this year. Now THAT’S frightening.

Even at the best of times, Halloween can be a tricky holiday for people trying to live healthier lifestyles. Whether we have kids young enough to trick-or-treat, or we just enjoy handing out candy to the little ones in the neighborhood, many of us end up with LOTS of candy sitting around the house for weeks after trick-or-treat has passed. 

And while we can’t be exactly sure what Halloween will look like this year, one thing is for sure: The odds of candy finding its way into our homes are pretty high.

So how can you celebrate Spooky Season without jacking up your blood sugar, feeling icky, and falling victim to that dreaded sugar crash?

It’s actually not as tough as you think! The key (as with many things) is in planning ahead to set yourself up for success. Here are a few of my favorite tips for avoiding the post-Halloween sugar crash:

Fill Up On Healthy, Balanced Foods First

Dipping blood sugar levels are a big culprit of candy cravings. When we don’t eat balanced meals (with protein, fat, and carbs), our bodies remind us that we need fuel and we start craving sugar. 

To curb your cravings and maintain control over your eating, be intentional about eating a real, PFC (protein, fat, and carb) balanced meal before dipping into your sweets stash. When you give your body the nutrients it needs, you’re less likely to find yourself mindlessly munching on sugary snacks. If you eat a great meal, drink some water, and STILL find yourself pining after that Reese’s Cup, then go ahead—enjoy just ONE, savor it, and then put them away.

Depending on how your neighborhood is handling trick-or-treat this year, you might not actually even need to buy Halloween treats …  Especially if you don’t have kids or if your kids are older, this could be an easy year to forgo the candy altogether.


Skip the Treats—Or At Least the Sweets

Even if you do feel compelled to buy Halloween treats, who says those treats have to be a type of candy? In the past, my family has doled out a combination of candy, pencils, glowsticks, erasers, and stickers. These longer-lasting treats ensure that I don’t end up with a shelf full of chocolate calling my name for weeks to come!

Get Rid of the Evidence

If you do find yourself with extra candy around once Halloween is over, get rid of it as quickly as possible. In our house, my son keeps his favorites (which he eats slowly over the course of many months), and we send the rest of it out the door. We like to gift wrap ours and donate it to residents at local senior centers or an organization that makes up treat bags for overseas military personnel. Just make sure you double check their protocol around socially distant/safe donation practices!

Do you have your own tips for keeping the Halloween candy at bay? Is there a particular type of candy that really tests your willpower? I’d love to hear from you! Hop over to my free Facebook community, “Never Diet Again” and create a post to introduce yourself/share your thoughts around how you’ll handle Halloween treats this year. Looking forward to hearing from you!


Dawn McGee is a certified and licensed Nutrition Evangelist and a long-time foodie, she focuses on both the health and joy of food as fuel for your body. She is a driving force in bringing education on healthy eating to more people through her community, my “Reclaim Your Life, One Bite at a Time” programs, and my book “365 Days of Healthy Living”.  Her hope for you is that you live a life you love, without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up your glass



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