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Why Fitness and Fashion Feel Fabulous

Feel fabulous.

Life can get pretty busy. Work, family, home, bills, laundry, meetings, grocery shopping. The list goes on and on. We often put our own needs, passions, hobbies and goals on the back burner. Or on hold until “tomorrow”. 

The daily grind and demands we have can leave us feeling stressed out, exhausted and all too often with low energy and sometimes a negative mindset.

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That feeling of fabulousness

Remember that carefree feeling before life got busy? Just having fun. Feeling full of confidence, happiness, and full of joy? Like there wasn’t a worry in the world. Between the demands and stresses of our busy lives. It seems we sometimes forget that feeling of fabulousness or how to find it.

Think back to your childhood, teen years, college years or before life just got too busy.

What did you do for fun or relaxation? Was it playing sports, attending dance class, sewing, bike riding, riding horses? Maybe it was playing an instrument, writing poems or chasing sunsets? Did you love camping, riding bikes or being a part of a club or group activity? 

Whatever it was, let your mind go there. 

Remember how it felt when you spent time doing the things that made you feel that way. That feeling of excitement, fun and adventure. It was so freeing. A time when you felt relaxed, happy and just that overall carefree feeling. It just came naturally. 

By starting to just write down those things that made you feel this way, you are on your journey of finding that fabulous feeling in your life. Nothing and no one is coming to give that to you, so it’s up to you to find what will achieve that feeling and mindset.



Fitness. When I look back to my childhood and teen years, I was always ice skating, playing soccer, hiking, riding bikes, or dancing. I took my love of fitness, and my new love of teaching that I found as I grew older, and made it into my career. As a Fitness Trainer now for 30 years, I enjoy sharing my passion and helping others to become healthy and fit. It is so rewarding! Teaching fitness makes me feel fabulous by being able to help others to achieve their goals. Encouraging them to take charge of their lifestyle by making fitness a part of it. In each exercise program, I try to include strength training, cardiovascular and stretching routines to help my clients reach their goals and to feel good, to feel fabulous. 

Strength training is important for building lean muscle, increasing  strength and bone health.  While also changing the body shape and controlling body fat. Reducing the risk of injury and body pain. It is a low impact exercise that can be done 2-3 times a week to reap the benefits.

Cardiovascular exercise such as bike riding, walking, running, dancing, swimming for maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight, strengthen the heart, improve lung capacity and are great for mental health. Cardio exercise should be done 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes.

Stretching routine or yoga is really good for the joints and flexibility. It can decrease muscle stiffness, increase range of motion, can improve posture and may decrease the risk of injury. Stretching or Yoga can be done 2-3 times a week to see results.

Exercise and having a fitness routine can be a way to improve your overall health and mental health adding to that feeling of fabulousness by feeling healthier and fitter. If you happen to enjoy the workouts or activities that is just an added bonus adding to that feeling.

I personally enjoy working out and getting exercise 4-5 days a week. I include 3-4 days a week of 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular. Three days a week of strength training and two days of Yoga. Exercising, staying fit and healthy and helping others on their road to fitness definitely puts me into that fabulous feeling. 

Related Post: FROM CHAOS TO PEACE: Healing Through Feeling: Podcast Interview with PLW Publisher Jen Robinson


Ever since I was little, I have loved fashion! I’m so drawn to expressing yourself through style. Everyone has their own style. Being able to create your own fashion style you can get that feeling of fabulousness. 

 For me that feeling of wearing a new red dress or a cute pair of boots or a new hat I just found makes me feel fabulous. It helps me to express my individualism in this world and maybe how I’m feeling or want to feel. It can convey a message without words. Either to yourself or the outside world.

Fashion and mood

Fashion and style can have an effect on our mood and emotions. Fashion gives you the chance to be yourself and express your personality. There might be that one outfit that makes you feel powerful. You can take this inner feeling of power and take it out into the world with you and conquer your day. Just wearing a bright color could make you feel happier throughout the day. Have a comfy outfit you love to wear? Maybe it’s the jogging outfit or the warm and cozy sweats. This can make you feel relaxed which is part of the fabulousness.  

You can do this too! Find the clothes that inspire you and express yourself! 

I hope you’re ready for my quarterly blogs on how FITNESS AND FASHION CAN HELP YOU FEEL FABULOUS!

Fitness, Fashion & Fabulous. I hope this inspires you to find and do the things that make you feel fabulous!!


Michelle resides in the beautiful city of Temecula located in Southern California where she is founder and business owner of Fitness by Michelle. Michelle has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, a YogaFit 1 Certified Yoga Instructor, and is Certified in Structural Integrated Fitness Training. With over 25 years of being in the Fitness Industry, Michelle brings her passion, knowledge and experience to making health and fitness a lifestyle that is attainable and promotes health and happiness. 

Michelle is a mother of two and a soon to be grandma. Time is precious and limited, being a single mom really helped her to relate to the issues so many have with finding time for themselves while balancing family and work. Inspiring others to do this without it being expensive or time consuming is her passion.

In living the lifestyle she promotes you can find Michelle walking or doing yoga on the beach, strength training, hiking or biking on trails. She also enjoys traveling, fashion and spending time with family as much as possible while living the Southern California lifestyle. 



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