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Why You Need to Pivot Your Goals for the New Year

New Year, New You. We get it. The New Year is supposed to be all about change. Out with the old, in with the new. This is the time to lose weight, to meet the goals you didn’t get around to last year, etc.


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Then around February or March, those feelings start to dwindle. By summer if that you completely fall off of the wagon, and aren’t sure what happened. Maybe you’ll try again next year, you think, as you start to feel overwhelmed that you aren’t where you want to be. Alas, you decide to focus on something else.

Maybe you completely pushed your goals aside in March of this year, and decided that next year will be a much better time to try (because who wants to start something in the middle of the year?).


If this sounds like you, you’re in luck! I have a few tricks I’ve learned over the years when it comes to setting goals in your personal and professional life. Even if you are a master goal setter, you’ll likely find some useful strategies in this post.

Let’s get started: 

Break Down Your Goals

Plan every goal with intention. You can write down what you want to achieve, but it won’t manifest in real life until you put some thought and action into it. My suggestion is to write out your bigger goals then break them down in to smaller action steps.

For example, you run a business and you want to make $5,000 a month. It’s written down, now what? From here, you need to add up all of the expenses it takes to run your business, look at how things are priced, how many people need to purchase every month, week, and day.

Trying to lose weight? Just joining the gym isn’t enough. Are you actively working out? Are you setting a realistic schedule for yourself? How is your diet? Is this something you can keep up with?


As soon as you have written down your goals, or displayed them on a vision board, you should immediately set specific and measurable next steps.

Stop the Comparison Game

Easier said than done, right? Watching someone else achieve and reach their goals is amazing. But it can be toxic if you are comparing yourself to where they are in life. Before anything else is said, just know you are COMPLETELY normal for this feeling. You can be happy for others, but still have the lingering feeling of “I wish that were me.” Instead of staying in this space, shift the focus back to you. 

Another thing to remember is that you are not on the same path as someone else. You have to take into account the time it took them to reach their goals. Some people luck out and receive immediately, and for others, it can take years. You’re doing just fine exactly where you are now.

Find People with Your Mindset

The company you keep plays a bigger role than you may realize. If you constantly hang with someone, and you feel drained or have a negative outlook on life afterwards, you can’t expect your vibration to stay high enough to keep up with your own goals.

Have you ever noticed that people who came from less than desirable backgrounds came out on top by not only working hard, but also changing the company they keep? When you are around others who have a strong drive and purpose, it rubs off on you and encourages you to keep going. 

How do you find your people? Easy. You can explore networking opportunities in your community, join Facebook networking groups, or even reach out to that person you’ve been watching and see if they would be open to a “coffee date.” Since COVID-19 hit, it has become a lot easier to find groups because people have moved to an online setting.

If you already have a good circle, great! Don’t be afraid to make new connections. You never know what possibilities lie!

Related Post: The Truth About Being Creatively Blocked: It’s All In Your Mindset

Wrapping Up

Don’t be afraid to change things around either. You are not locked in with the goals you set. You have the freedom to change your mind and pivot. Also, celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. It keeps your momentum going and keeps you at a high vibration to receive more.

Make those vision boards, find those connections to keep you afloat, and do everything with intention!


Adriana Richardson is from the beautiful Charleston area of South Carolina. There she lives with her husband and two children. Adriana has her Bachelors degree in Health Science, and she is a Virtual Assistant and writer by profession. Outside of this, she enjoys getting involved with her community, watching Netflix, has a small addiction to sweets and just likes to enjoy life with her family and close friends.



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