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5 Habits to Start in the New Year

Every new year, we make resolutions in hopes of actually sticking to them. Most people want to lose X amount of weight, travel more, pay something off, etc. But we end up disappointed in ourselves when we haven’t met the  goal. Or worse — made any progress year after year.  

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So what if we changed our thinking this new year? 

Instead of making a bunch of empty promises to yourself, what if we started the year with five new habits that helped us live a more meaningful and fulfilled life? 

At the beginning of every new year, I carve out time to set goals in the form of a vision board — so that each morning I can see what I’m working toward.  

Let’s explore 5 habits you can start right now to kick 2022 into high gear!! 

Reserve the first hour of your day for yourself

This one had to be #1 because it’s so important.  If you’re like me, you spend so much time doing things for everyone else. It’s easy to neglect your wants and needs.

About six years ago, I decided to implement a solid mourning routine, structured after the book The Miracle Morning. How you start your day is typically how the rest of your day will go.  If you’re in control of when you wake up, what you feed your mind, and how you treat your body each morning, your days will be much more productive. 

My first hour of the day looks like this:

6-6:30am: workout

6:30-6:45am: read personal development

6:45-7am: journal, vision board, plan my day, and meditate 

Start and end the day with gratitude

One other thing I add to my morning routine is writing down three things I am grateful for. I love starting the day by expressing gratitude. It can be for a cup of hot coffee, or a good night of sleep. Or even getting all the laundry done!

Finding three things you are grateful for each morning will help you have a more positive day.  I also practice gratitude right before bed, too. I try to end the day saying aloud, or writing down three things I am grateful for from that day.  It helps me sleep better knowing I’ve found three things in my day to be grateful for, no matter how many things may have gone wrong. 

Create a vision board

I love vision boards. Every new year, I create one by mapping out goals in different areas of life. Personal, professional, financial, and family.  I grab pictures from Google of goals I want to achieve in each area of life, and save my completed board as the screensaver on my computer. 

For example, in the financial quadrant, I set goals to pay something off. Save X amount, put X amount in college savings for my kids, and to purchase a large ticket item. Seeing these things every day definitely helps keep the vision clear and goals within reach. Then I can break them down into quarterly and monthly goals too with daily action items.  

Related Post: Why Fitness and Fashion Feel Fabulous

Do more of what brings you joy

Whether it’s your full time job or something you do part time, find something that makes you happy. Who wants to be miserable the rest of their life in a job they dislike? If you’re doing something you love, it won’t feel like work. Aside from work, this goes for your personal life too. Stop spending time with people who bring you down. Stop doing things that don’t bring you joy.  Learn to say NO and start setting boundaries for yourself. You need to learn to protect your peace. 

Find a hobby you are passionate about

Hobbies keep us balanced.  We can be a good wife, a good mom, and a great employee, but we also need to do something for ourselves.  Find a hobby that gives you an outlet from everyday life.  Maybe it’s running, maybe it’s golf, or maybe it’s learning a new language. Find something that allows you to create an identity outside of your career and family roles. A hobby will help you de-stress and give you an outlet to be creative too. Who knows? It may eventually turn into an income stream too.

Maybe you start one new habit at a time, maybe you implement all 5 right away!? Whatever you do, I strongly suggest taking some time to reflect on 2021. What worked? What didn’t? What could you have done better? What would you change? What are you most proud of? What was your biggest accomplishment?

Once you’ve had time to properly reflect, you can start setting goals for 2022 in each area of your life. Set some stretch goals and some goals that are within reach.  I also recommend doing a monthly or quarterly check in to determine how you are progressing and to assess what you need to adjust to move closer to the goal.  

This year make yourself a promise… Take the time to dream big, set goals, and work relentlessly toward creating the life you’ve always wanted! 


Lisa is a 41 year-old mom & wife who lives in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL with her husband Josh, and two boys, Jackson-8, and Hudson-6. She is a fitness fanatic who started her affection for sports at a young age through gymnastics, Volleyball, Track, and Cheerleading. 

Lisa is from Lebanon, Indiana where she grew up and went on to Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Allied Health Science and Secondary Education . After graduating college, Lisa moved to Charleston, South Carolina where she started teaching as an adjunct instructor at a community college. She pursued her group fitness certification while teaching at the college and has continued to teach group classes for the past 17 years. 

Lisa currently teaches Yoga and Pilates at her community gym and is a Virtual Health Coach who helps pair women with fitness & nutrition plans that fit their lifestyle and budget. When she isn’t coaching, teaching at the gym, or leading a zoom workout, Lisa enjoys traveling with her family and spending time at the beach, or the waterparks in her community. 

Lisa is thrilled to join the Peaceful Living Wellness community. She will be sharing some of her favorite workouts & nutrition tips with you. 



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