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No More New Year’s Resolutions! Use This Proven Approach to Rock 2022

Did you make a list of resolutions for 2022? Are you still in the process of drafting this list? If you said “yes” to either, I want you to do something radical. Throw it away!

Am I asking you to give up on your hopes and dreams for 2022? Absolutely not! Instead, my intention is to shift your mindset when it comes to goal setting at the start of a new year.

Stuck in the cycle of busy hoping that one day there will be time for your and what you want?

You are not alone. PEACEFUL LIVING COACHING is here to support you!

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard the statistics surrounding traditional New Year’s resolutions. Although the numbers vary from source to source, the general consensus is that around 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail. Only 20% of individuals who set their goals in this manner see results.

Why is the failure rate so high? One leading theory is that we put too much pressure on ourselves to make big, sweeping changes at the beginning of each year. This immense pressure actually sets us up to fail. After we’ve missed the mark on our goals, we’re often met with feelings of guilt and shame, which cause us to continue spiraling downward.

Skip the guilt, shame, and failed attempts at reaching your goals! Instead, harness the incredibly effective approach that I use with my clients: focus on small changes. Why does this strategy work time and time again? You’re removing the pain of overhauling your habits overnight, while still making measurable progress. Even if you’re improving 1% at a time, these seemingly insignificant changes add up to real positive impact. 

Want to use this approach yourself? Discover some of the top ways you can put this strategy to work in 2022:

Ditch perfectionism

Oftentimes, the root cause of wanting to achieve immediate results is perfectionism. Whether you want to lose 30 pounds or eliminate sugar from your diet, all-or-nothing thinking tends to be a habit of those who identify as perfectionists.

If this sounds like you, I’m giving you permission to let go of your overachieving tendencies. Now is the moment to acknowledge that no one is perfect. And although it can be exciting to achieve above-average or extraordinary results, this isn’t possible in everything you do. Rather than tying your self-worth so closely to your achievements, give yourself permission to celebrate small wins on a daily basis.

Define what a “small” change means to you

What does a “small” change look like in the context of your goals for 2022? Take some time to define the term, and how you plan to divide each goal. Make sure that you’re breaking them up into small enough pieces to barely feel noticeable. For example, if you’re looking to cut out caffeine, begin scaling back your consumption in tiny amounts. This could look like pouring one of your daily cups of coffee to the ¾ mark instead of filling it all the way.

Related Post: A New Way to Create New Year Resolutions

Pave your path to success

Once you know how you want to break down each goal, plot your small changes on a timeline. This step is paramount in helping yourself stay on-track and accountable. Paving your path to success will help you know when it’s time to take the next step forward, and to see how your small changes have added up.

Reward yourself!

Most of us have been conditioned to only celebrate the big wins in life. Throw out this old script (especially if you are a perfectionist!) and begin rewarding yourself for the small changes you make. The way that you reward yourself is completely up to you and your preferences. However, although it may seem obvious, try to choose rewards that do not interfere significantly with your progress.

While it is important not to expect sweeping changes in a short period of time, there’s nothing wrong with jump-starting your efforts. Around this time of year, I work with many people who want to accelerate their health and wellness goals after the holiday season. After eating dozens of treats over the last several months, they want to start feeling better as soon as possible. 

If you’re looking for ways to reset your body after indulging during the holidays, I encourage you to join my 21-Day Reset. This program is designed to get you moving in the right direction, and to support your small goals. Sign up today!


Dawn McGee is a certified and licensed Nutrition Evangelist and a long-time foodie, she focuses on both the health and joy of food as fuel for your body. She is a driving force in bringing education on healthy eating to more people through her community, my “Reclaim Your Life, One Bite at a Time” programs, and my book “365 Days of Healthy Living”.  Her hope for you is that you live a life you love, without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up your glass



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